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Sorry for a late update, I've been down in the hospital and I just got home(:

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"It looks great." I heard a voice from behind me say. I spun around, undoubtedly locking my gaze with Vic's. He looked just as unhappy as I probably did.

"Why are you here?" I questioned in a whisper.

"I could ask you the same thing."

"I just... Wanted to draw is all." I replied softly, looking away from him and back down at my drawing. Vic nodded slowly, taking a seat across from me. I didn't want him to be this close, but I did at the same time. It was a tough decision.

"Can I ask what this photo means?" Vic questioned. I allowed him to pick it up and examine it. 

"I don't really know what it means."

"So you just drew this?"

"Yeah." I whispered, letting my eyes linger on him for a little longer than intended.

"Breathe me." Vic whispered, tracing his finger over the words. Hearing him say what I had written was hard to listen to. It's not that the words had a lot of meaning, but they did have a lot of desperation in them. Vic turned towards me again. I looked away from him, but I knew he was looking at me. "Why did you write that?" I felt my voice catch in my throat.

"...I don't know." I mumbled. "They just came into my head."

"Do they mean anything to you?" He asked again.

"No, not really." I replied, looking back at him for a moment before letting my gaze linger on the pond. Vic stretched across the table and grabbed the sketch of him that was face down. He examined it again.

"Were you drawing me?"

"I had to finish it." I defended. "But now I'm thinking of just sketching someone else quickly." I slipped out. I could tell that hurt Vic a little. All I wanted was to stop hurting him, but I just keep doing it! I shook my head, closing my eyes tightly. I didn't want to cry.


"Don't." I warned. 

"We need to talk-"

"No, not right now."

"Yes, right now." Vic persisted. The urge to cry became more and more sufficient. I could barely keep from crying by that point.

"Please..." I whispered, my voice faltering as I wiped my eyes. Vic watched me, a sad look stuck on his face.

"If we don't talk, nothing is going to get better."

"Everything is fine." I lied.

"No, it's not. I've been here for five minutes and you're crying-"

"I'm crying because you won't leave me alone!" I shouted.

"If I leave you alone then nothing will be okay for me, or for you." Vic shouted back. It hurt getting yelled at, but it was starting to make sense that maybe that's what I needed to hear. Vic stood up and walked around to me, sitting down beside me on the picnic tables bench. "I don't want you Kellin." Vic whispered. A small sob escaped my lips, but I covered it up the best I could. "I need you." He whispered again. Slowly, I felt his arm wrap around me. I looked at him again for solace, but who knows if I could see it. "Please just don't throw this out the window, Kellin..." Vic whispered, letting go of me for a second to grab my hands. I looked down at them, watching as Vic ran his thumb along my fingers soothingly. Another sob escaped my lips.

"I'm just going to ruin everything." I choked out, negativity taking over.

"Everything's ruined without you." Vic retaliated quickly. "I know you think this is the best option, and I know you think that I've moved on, but that's far from the truth. I'm still so, so in love with you. I've never felt this way with anyone ever before..."

"I know." Was all I could say. Everything else was so shaky. I nodded at Vic who took the chance to wrap his arms around me. More and more sobs escaped my lips as he made me rest my head on his shoulder and ran his fingers up and down my back. I felt him kiss my forehead softly before pulling me into the hug once again.

"I know things are going to be a little different, but can we please go back to the way we were?" He whispered in my ear. The hot air hit my neck immediately, sending shivers down my spine.

"I..." I began, trying to think of what to say. "We can try..." I whispered. Immediately, Vic held me tighter for a second before pulling away for a second. I looked at him thoughtfully, wiping away a few of my tears. Vic leaned in a pecked my lips softly and a little unexpectedly. It was only a second long, but it was what I felt I really needed in that moment. Vic kept his gaze on me, silently asking if I was okay or not. I nodded once again, noting that I felt a little bit better. Vic smiled at me before kissing me again, a little longer than the first kiss. I placed my hands on his chest, clutching his shirt in my fingers before kissing him back. I felt so much more relaxed in the moment. Vic's hands wandered down my shoulders to my waist as he kissed me a little harder; Almost desperately. I couldn't blame him though. Eventually, Vic pulled away and took my hands in his again.

"Do you want to come over?" 

"It's late." I noted. The sun was starting to set.

"I know..." Vic retaliated with a small smile. I sighed.

"Okay." Was all I said before placing everything in my bag and following Vic down the sidewalks. We walked in silence, but it was a comfortable silence. I looked down at Vic and I's intertwined fingers, and that was enough to make me smile.

When we got to his house, I placed my bag on the kitchen counter and looked around.

"So, are you going to turn in that sketch of me?" Vic questioned in a joking manner. I smiled at him.

"Yeah, I think so." I responded truthfully. In the end, no matter what, I probably would have turned it in anyway.

After that, we talked for most of the evening until it got late and I decided to go home, but like before, Vic insisted that I stayed. I obliged his wishes, following him into his room and borrowing a pair of sweats. Slowly, I crawled into the bed beside him, looking over at him.

"My mom always said to not sleep with someone unless you're married." I mumbled, laughing at the saying a little. Vic chuckled a little too, leaning in and kissing me.

"Well that's a little unfair." He whispered. I chuckled and nodded, moving a little closer to him. Vic kissed my forehead again like earlier.

"Goodnight Kells." He whispered in my ear, kissing it softly afterwards. A warm feeling spread on my body as I smiled to myself.

"Goodnight." I whispered back, letting my eyes flutter close.

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