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Out of my entire life, I don't believe that there could have been a day I dreaded anymore than today. This was it; Literally. I was tossing my boxes and bags into the back of the truck that brought me here nearly seven months ago. Time really does fly.

When my mom first arrived, she didn't hesitate to embrace me in a bone crushing hug. I hugged back as best as could, and even though I was happy to see her, I wasn't happy to leave. Tony stood outside a little awkwardly.

"Mom, this is my roommate Tony." I introduced them since they never formally met when I first moved in.

"Nice to meet you." My mom greeted politely, shaking Tony's hand. The whole situation was awfully awkward, so awkward it almost made me want to laugh out of nervousness.

"Nice to meet you too." Tony replied, glaring at me because of the small chuckle that escaped my lips. My mom didn't seem to notice. Silently, all three of us continued to place my items gently in the back of the truck. I was starting to get really emotional, and fuck did that suck. I hate this feeling; Helplessness. It hurts so much more than you can even imagine.

"Are you ready?" My mom asked in a whisper once everything was packed up. With a simple nod I could get into that car and drive away; Never come back, never talk to Tony or anyone ever again. But obviously something, or someone, was missing.

"Where's Vic and Mike? I thought you said they were on their way." I whispered a little irritably to Tony as I made my way over to him.

"He said they were on their way, just wait." Was all Tony said. My mom bit on her lip.

"Sweetie?" She questioned, pulling me from my thoughts. A knot formed in my stomach because as time ticked on, I was afraid that Vic wasn't coming. So much doubt clouded my mind.

"O-Oh yeah, sorry... I can't go quite yet. There's one, or two, more people I need to say goodbye too, and you need to meet."

"Are they almost here? It's a long drive." My mom replied, obviously doubting their arrival would be on time, but I was too. Every second more doubt washed over my body, and for a second I truly believed that I was just going to have to leave only saying goodbye to Tony, but something stopped me. All my doubt and worry washed away as I heard the all too familiar engine pop and sure enough, Mike's truck was speeding down the road before stopping by our drive. I closed my eyes, squeezing them shut. I didn't even know what to do or say; I was a mess.

When I opened my eyes, everything was blurry from the tears, but I could faintly see Mike and Vic hopping out of the car. Vic directed his attention to me immediately, hurrying over to my small figure and engulfing me in his arms. Once I felt his presence, I knew I was secure and no longer held back the sobs that escaped my lips.

"Shh, babe it's okay." Vic whispered in my ear, rubbing my back soothingly. "Everything will be okay." He reassured me before I let go of him and looked back to my mother who looked utterly confused.

"Um m-mom, I would like you to meet Vic... My boyfriend." I introduced quietly. The confusion on her face quickly disappeared and a new expression took the vacant spot, but I didn't know what the expression was. I knew how she felt about my sexuality, and I knew this could go terribly wrong.

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Quinn." Vic greeted, giving her a smile. My mom watched him a little warily.

"Ms..." She whispered.

"So sorry." Vic apologized, eyeing me nervously. I was quick to lace his fingers with mine.

"We need to get going." Was all my mom said. My heart dropped into my stomach the minute she spoke those words. She was disappointed; Disgusted even. Tony and Mike gave us both apologetic glances, but I brushed them off.

"She never understands, I'm sorry." I whispered in Vic's ear before moving away to Tony. A sad smile formed on his lips before it turned into a frown and he hugged me tightly. Never had Tony remotely gotten this close to me, and it was almost painful for all of this to happen.

"I didn't think I'd say this but... You were my favorite, and I'm really going to miss you." Tony explained, his eyes slightly red. Was he going to cry? Because I sure as hell was going to.

"I already miss you." I breathed before looking over at Mike. "The same goes for you. I know you're younger than Vic, but keep an eye out for him. You are built bigger anyway." I joked. Mike laughed and smiled at me, being his usual self. I leaned in and hugged him quickly before walking back over to Vic who stood a little distant from everyone.

"Can we have a minute?" I requested. Hastily, Tony and Mike disappeared into the complex, but my mom stayed put. "Mom..." I began. With a sigh, she nodded and smiled sadly, walking to the truck and getting inside, slamming the door behind her. Finally, we were alone. There was so much to say, but such little time. I felt rushed, I felt awkward, and everything was so, so wrong, but I couldn't help but to smile.

"Remember the first time we met?" I questioned. Vic smiled and nodded, rubbing his hands down my arms.

"You seemed frightened of me, I always wondered why. I always wanted to be your biggest comfort ever since the second I laid my eyes on you..." Vic explained, carassing my cheek softly. I closed my eyes as tears fell once again. "I love you, and distance will never take you away from me. You're always with me; I'm always with you. Just believe in me... I'll find my way to you again." He added, only making my sobs worse. I wanted to believe, I wanted to believe so fucking bad, but this was ending and I knew it. Maybe it was denial or common since, which I'm not sure.

"I love you too." I whispered, opening my eyes to meet Vic's loving and adoring gaze. He wiped my tears away, and I could tell he was going to cry too. "I'll text and call you all the time, if that doesn't annoy you."

"Believe me, that's totally okay." Vic replied with a chuckle, pulling me into him. We stood there like that for so many seconds, thoroughly enjoying one anothers body heat, but I knew the moment had to end. Slowly, I pulled away and made Vic look at me, leaning in and pressing my lips on his for possibly the last time. If this was a goodbye kiss, then it needed to be memorable. I kissed Vic for as long as I could, savoring the taste of his lips and how good they fit against my own. Vic's fingers ran through my hair as I pulled away and gave him the best smile I could. Soon after, Tony and Mike came back out and all three of them stood by one another.

"Bye guys..." I whispered, not having much strength to even talk anymore. All of them waved in sync before I smiled and turned around, getting into the truck. My mom looked over to me and smiled.

"I'm sorry." She apologized.

"Not your fault." I replied, letting my eyes linger on the dashboard before the engine started and I didn't have a chance to look back as we drove off the road, off the campus, out of town, and out of state clear back to Oregon.

-- -

Oh boy, the next chapter is the finale! It's so depressing ending books. Anyway, I also wanted to throw out another chapter of my new book is up and it'd mean a bunch if you'd go give it a read, vote for it, etc. All your continual love and support is what keeps me going(:

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