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So quick question thing I'll delete later. I've been tempted to do a Kellic one shot book where you guys request in the comments and I write it? Does that sound cool or??? Sorry if I'm disturbing you omg, but if you think it's a good idea comment so please and I'll have it up for requests in a heart beat(:

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"I need to go home." I mumbled against Vic's lips, pulling away before standing up. "Thanks for studying with me." I added on with a hint of sarcasm, though it wasn't all a lie. In the beginning he did tutor me properly and everything was fine, and then the next thing I know our books are on the floor and we're kissing.

"Fine, go. I'll see you in class Monday." Vic got up before helping me with my books. A smile spread across those cute lips of his. I leaned in and pecked his lips softly, unsure of myself the whole time. I hadn't really initiated a kiss until then. With a small blush, I hurried out the door and out of the house. I guess I was walking. 

A strong feeling of worry filled me because it was late and I didn't feel very safe off campus. My phone was probably shot too, so if anything happens I guess I'm on my own. Part of me was hoping that Vic would offer to take me home, and to be honest I don't see why he didn't do just that. 

Along with the worry came the doubt within Vic and I. I'm always so negative, and Vic's so positive. I'm fully aware of the fact that "Opposites attract," but who knows if that's bullshit or the truth. it seems like the truth right now; Maybe I'm wrong. All I know is that if I keep locking lips with Vic Fuentes I'm going to get hurt.

But if I stop I get hurt too. Who knows, this situations rots either way, so I might as well enjoy myself for awhile until it's over. High school relationships are more unrealistic in the future, but college ones crash and burn too. Or at least most of them do, and I have a strong feeling Vic and I are blended into the crowd of deceased relationships to come.

Wait, I'm so far ahead of myself. We kissed some, that doesn't mean we're dating or anything. I guess I'm looking ahead, not that we're going ot make this into something. Who am I kidding, this is obviously something. I can't walk out now. Vic seems to be committed to getting me, and he's done a pretty good job.

I guess, if you wanted to be cliche, you could say I'm head over heels for Vic; You know, not that I wear heels or anything. That phrase is very unrealistic as it is, let alone for guys. 

In a realistic term, I was absolutely into Vic and it's at the stage where it hurts to see them, yet you can't ever look away. This feeling is like my crushes in high school. Appearances do matter, I don't think anyone can deny it. Because the first thing you see about a human is their appearance, and if you don't think their cute in the slightest way you're probably not going to go through all the work to get to know them. Sometimes I wish that wasn't true.

Back in high school, my problem was that I always thought the jocks were hot as fuck, but they all were into chicks and picked on me. I didn't mind the bullying though, I mean, the cute guys are giving you attention. Not in a good way, but enough to make your heart flutter. And boy did my heart flutter when Andy came around. 

Andy Leo was the most cliche crush I have ever had in my life. Me, being the timid junior while Andy practically ruled the school as a senior. He was the guy you didn't dare mess with, yet everyone wanted to be him. I learned one thing about Andy, and that is that he's very... Selective. In friends, girlfriends, everything really. It was a new rumor every week to be honest. I even heard the valentines dance was cut short because Andy and girl got caught having sex in the girls bathroom. 

Pretty promiscuous of him, but I guess he was just that as well. I don't know how many times I heard a teacher yell at him for being late, flunking something, or making out with someone in class. Andy was never associated with me, that is for when he wasn't picking on me.

When I came into school, he was a sophomore and was at the stage of high school where he was gearing up to be the head jock. And what better way to do that then pick on some freshman's? A lot of people slipped under Andy's radar, but no, of course not me. He was never super physical, I never got beat up. Just slammed into lockers and shit like that. I never fought back because at the time I was pretty submissive against dominate people like Andy. 

The day I was fully open about being gay is when someone actually confronted me. The news literally spread within ten minutes and for once; I was in the high school lime light. Once again, not in a good way. Like I've said before, my town's really homophobic so that's when the bullying got worse. That's how Andy found me. He found me because of my sexuality.

Andy Leo was selective, promiscuous, rude, ill-behaved, homophobic, and possibly the hottest guy in that high school. It bothered me that I could love his touch, even when it was him shoving past me, or slamming me into the locker. Not matter what though, I just couldn't bring myself to the conclusion that I hated him. I had it bad for him over all the others. 

The others were just crushes that lasted for maybe one or two months each. But now, here I am. I have a crush that's potentially worse than Andy's, and for once the dude likes me back. he isn't slamming me into lockers or cussing me out. He's actually befriending me and kissing me now, apparently. 

Sometimes I wonder if my attraction towards Vic was because of his appearances. I mean, I've always known he was cute, but it's a little different. Though Vic's personality is the polar opposite to Andy's, they do have similar features. The big, brown eyes that you never want to look away from for an instance. Vic's by far better looking though. Between the shoulder length hair and the nose ring, I'm hooked. He could pull anything off in my eyes.

I arrived home with no scratches or marks; For once something went right. I'm surprised no one tried to jump me or something, parts of this place seems kinda perilous. Off of campus I mean.

With a sigh, I went into my room before glancing at the Story Of Us. It was there, I was here. I could read ahead, but I could ignore the book as well. My gut said no for tonight, so I went over to the bookshelf and picked up a new novel before going to the bed, sliding myself under the sheets. Hopefully Tony gets home soon. Vic will drop him off probably. 

I groaned when I realized I needed to plug my phone in. It seems I always get comfortable, and then I have to get up and do something. I pulled myself from the bed before plugging in my phone, checking for any messages. Vic surprisingly enough left me alone tonight, we usually text daily. I can't escape him, but then again am I trying to?

I have a lot of questions for Vic, or one main one in general. I want know what that lounge in the bar is used for. He's obviously associated with it, and it makes me uncomfortable to know someone like Vic is hiding something when it's rights in front of you. He knows I know he's up to something, I just don't know what it is exactly. 

I rolled over onto my side in the bed, reminiscing to when Vic pressed his lips on mine. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach at the memories of his touches. That certain chemical in my brain was running through my body, the one that triggered romantic thoughts and such. My body was filled with admiration for no know one but the last man I thought I'd feel this for.

To that, I couldn't tell you who was luckier, Vic or I. In the end, I guess we're both kind of lucky to have one another, whether it be something serious or not. All I know is that I love having Vic here with me, and I realize now that I can't throw it all away. 

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