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"Pussy is sweeter than honey and more valuable than money."

Harry's pov

"Another one boys. You can all thank Styles over here for this punishment. He decided to ditch class, so as a team you all are getting his punishment. You all better make it under the time or we're doing 10 more!" Coach Meyer yelled at the team as we heaved in and out. Our bodies were worn and physically exhausted at the painful workout we were put under because of my choices.

We completed 5 more suicides before Coach finally let us return to the locker room to change and shower. The team entered the room many immediately heading towards the shower to rid themselves of the sweat and physical ache that had adorned our muscles.

I found my metal locker and opened it, starting to remove my uniform. I threw my drenched shirt into my locker when I felt someone push the side of my shoulder, nudging me over. "Way to fucking go Styles. I swear you're lucky we all made it in time or I would have personally kicked your ass for pulling a dumb stunt like that." Kaden, our starting pitcher, hassled me. I didn't want to start anything because, well, he was right. This was my fault the guys were getting the backlash of my actions.

"Listen, Kaden, I'm sorry. You know I'm the last person to ever pull something reckless, and I can promise you this will never happen again." I said putting my hands up, my chest still heaving.

"Just watch yourself Styles. I know how devoted you are to this team and this just isn't you. With state coming up we need to be as focused as ever. We can't have our starting 3rd bail on us now." He replied shaking his head in disappointment and made his way to the showers.

I stood by myself, my forehead placed against the locker. The cold metal against the bare skin while the thoughts racing around my mind. Kaden was right, I had slowly but surely began to stray away from my focus on baseball. The thoughts that were occupied by baseball and church are now being replaced by a sinful blonde that occupied more than just my time.

Soon enough the locker room had emptied, and I was still left in the sweat residue and uniform from practice. I made my way towards the showers and placed my clothes on the bench near the stall. I stripped the remained of my uniform and started the shower. I jumped at the initial start of the water, but slowly as the water heated my muscles began to relax.

So many thoughts ravaged my mind. Everything I thought I had so planned in my life was turning to, well, shit. From my lack of commitment to baseball, and the lack of bible studies I've been distant from everything I thought to be vital to my everyday life. But as I slowly begin to think about it, was it ever really my decision to undergo these actions? Was I always into baseball as a child? Because from what I recall during my childhood, my father practically forced a sport down my throat and I wasn't even 6.

Same thing with religion. This goes back into my birth, as I was blessed into the church family as an infant. My parents had always stressed how important faith was. How the word of God was the only word to follow other than one's parents. Did I even really believe in God?

Did I have any thoughts that weren't actually someone else's?

My fist pounded on the tiled wall of the shower as these thoughts seemed to strangle me. How was I to claim to be my own person if I could think for myself? Who even am I?

All I know is the only action that I actually have control over is Stella. I knew what to expect from her, and I knew what I was doing with her. I know when I'm with her, she makes me feel alive. She makes me feel like I have a say for once in the outcome of something.

Before we were undeniably caught on the rooftop, Stella was at my mercy for once. I moan at the recollection of her soft skin, and the way her sinful lips nibbled at my ear as she whispered dirty things to me. These thoughts brought a rush of blood to my cock instantly. As the water poured on my naked body, I began to feel very... turned on.

I placed my forehead to the wall as the water dripped down my back. The thought of Stella and her beautiful ways replayed in my mind over and over. My hand slowly trailed its way to my cock and wrapped itself around it. It felt nothing like Stella, and nothing ever would. She was a thing all her own, everything she did was unique. She claimed me as her's sexually and I wouldn't change a thing.

My hand started pumping as I imagined Stella doing it. Her body pressed to mine as her hand moved along my cock, the pleasure growing more and more with each stroke. Her plump lips would meet mine, and then my jaw. My hands placed on her beautiful body, one on her ass, and the other squeezing her perky breast. Her thumb would occasionally brush over the tip, causing my release to near.

She would moan as I began to trail kisses down her neck, sucking near her jaw. I would pull away and take the view of the beautiful dark bite on her neck that I had created. Her hand had increased speed, and I was so close to the edge. She would finally push me off that edge by whispering in my ear the sinful words, "Beg for it."

"Stella." I would moan out as I released in her palm. I'm pulled out of my thoughts as I find my hand now covered in cum. My muscles even more relaxed now. The water began to lose its heat as I stood there longer. After today I realized one thing.

And that is, I need to make sure that whatever I have with Stella stays. She gives me a sense of authority, and there is no way in hell I'm giving this up.


hello there my children i am v v sorry for this taking a milli years, but i made up for it with harry masterbating so thats cool right??


lol i'm getting my nose pireced next week and im excited yay... yeah idk im so sorry why am i lameeeee

yeah so ... im so fuckiing awkward

ily guys a lot....

and i wanna try this... highlight this w a question and i'll answer it in the next chapter?

doubt yall will ask but idc okkk

ya ya ya i makes these so long im leaving now ok

juju beans xx

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