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"Can't wait to show you what I'm wearing tonight for you, Daddy"

He's been quiet, and not just his normal quiet but extremely quiet. Almost as if he'd witnessed his best friend's murder grief-stricken kinda quiet.

Seeing him in the hallways is the same. He'd normally be talking, conversing with his friends, and during class, he'd be focused on whatever work he had so he wouldn't have to worry about it after practice. It's almost as if he's been stripped. Stripped of something he held so sacred.

Almost as if he'd been stripped of innocence.

Now, of course, I would feel bad about something like this if I were a normal human being with actual emotions, but I don't. Not one ounce of guilt courses through me because of one thing.

I know damn sure he wanted it, he wanted it so bad and still does. He'll be back for more, this is where we sit and wait for the pretty boy to beg for more.


To: Lover Boy

Try and ignore me all you want baby, but we both know we'll have to meet up again. For the project of course ;) you're free Thursday, right?


From: Lover Boy

Yes, I will be available on Thursday. But ONLY to work on the project Stella. If it weren't for the project I wouldn't be speaking to you. We're meeting at the library on Thursday at 6:30. I'll see you then.


To: Lover Boy

If only you'd quit lying to yourself. I'm not against public teasing ;) see you then babe, I'll be waiting


Wednesday came and went like that. Chemistry class was the same although Harry was deliberately avoiding all and any contact. He wouldn't do as much as look in my general direction.

It's a pity really. He could be so happy, so alive with me, but he won't have it. He refuses which only makes it more enjoyable on my end. Who doesn't love a good chase?

I've gotten the whole "Stella Masters is a whore" thing too many times to count. But why try and deny something that's true? I wouldn't go as far as to say I was a whore, but I am no stranger to sex.

Growing up in an environment that has little guidance and lack thereof parental control, you grow up on your own. You figure out what's right what's wrong and everything in between. From raising myself this way I've only come to one conclusion. That it's not only more fun doing tue wrong things, but it's much more rewarding.

Not that I've ever had the effort or intuitive to see what it's actually like to be the good kid, but from what I saw growing up it was nothing more than kissing major ass and following stupid rules that people put up just to assert their power over the group.

I hadn't exactly figured out what I was going to do to push him over the edge, but I know quite well that spur of the moment decisions seem to be the best. Being in public though, that's gonna be a hard one but it's not a complete roadblock. Just simply a detour.

The almost spring air is still just as brisk as before sending chills up my exposed legs. The library not being my normal preference for hangouts, but school does come first.

I walk in and immediately get hit with the scent of old books along with a cinnamon candle here and there. An old lady sits behind the counter the stereotypical librarian with glasses that sit just above her nose and wrinkles beyond count. Her wrinkled fingers tap away at a keyboard making an annoying tick.

I scan the library and find the area of tables where most people would come to study or read or whatever people do. Right on cue, I find Harry sitting at one of the tables with books upon books stacked around him, almost as if it's a barricade.

I could only imagine what he's hiding from.

I make my way over to him and he takes notice of my presence as his eyes widen and he stiffens. I laugh lightly at his reaction and shake my head.

"I'm not going to hurt you, don't worry," I say while placing my bag on the table and plopping down in the chair across from him.

He clears his throat before speaking. "So, I found some books about chemistry and I also found some biology books that could be helpful as well. We really need to get started on this project since we didn't exactly get a good start last time." His hand finds the back of his neck as he rubs it in awkwardness.

"I don't think you were too worried about the project Tuesday."

"Stella, we will not speak of that day ever again. We will also only be meeting in public and solely work on the project, am I clear?" He spoke with fierceness in his eyes. His tone was hard and daunting. It would scare me fit wasn't such a turn on.

I lean over the table towards him. "Yes, sir. Crystal."

Hey, plans change right? I think this is definitely one of those.


hey hey hey yo rad ya idk

okay soo heres an update before Christmas eve bc i wanted to wish you all a
merry christmas
happy hanukkah
happy kwanza

and all that good stuff

the next chapter will be v rewarding i promise ;)

love you all so much

stay rad af man

xox julia

[edited 1.3.17]

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