s e v e n t e e n

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"She looked like the kind of woman I could fall in love with."

I ran him through the halls, my hand tugging on his to keep up. The warm school air rushing past us as we came to the faculty access door. I looked around to make sure no one would catch us as I pulled out the skeleton key I had made for this school. Harry's eyes widened at the matter of the fact and I could tell his two sense was getting in the way of spontaneity. The fact I was able to slowly mold this perfect saint into something much more sinful gave me a surge of confidence. Soon enough I would have him in the palm of my hand, I would have him committing sins he would never even think about enduring in.

This was all too exciting.

"Stella, what exactly are you going to show me, and will it get us expelled?" He asks placing a hand on my forearm as I was about to turn the key.

"You're about to find out," I said turning the key and pulling open the door. "And maybe, but that's only if we get caught." And with that, I made my way through the door. I pushed aside the extra supplies, and furniture, along with various cleaning supplies. This school was a mess.

Following along the hallway in the dim-lit room we came to a staircase that leads us upwards. I turned around to make sure Harry hadn't pussied out yet. Sure enough, he was right at my back, peering ahead, his demeanor tense and anxious. I shook my head at his uneasiness and chuckled to myself. I began to walk upwards, each step pretty steep and the staircase itself pretty tall. Once we made our way to the top, Harry still right on my ass, we were faced with another door.

Fortunately, this one was never locked as I made my way up to the rooftop of the school more than once on a regular occasion. Sometimes to skip class, but others just to obtain the view off the roof. Despite the hatred I held for this school I couldn't deny it of its view. Overlooking a lake, and the skyline of downtown across the way wasn't too shabby.

The door made an awful screech as it did every time, but it soon halted as I pushed it all the way open. We were once again greeted with the breeze, but this time, less humid. The gravel paved ground of the rooftop crunched underneath our shoes. The door shut behind Harry as I took ahold of his hand again as I pulled him further onto the roof.

Once I lead him to the edge of the roof to where the view really took place, I let go. "See I told you. Hell of a lot better than math class." I said looking over at him. His gaze glued out on the horizon. I began to take into account Harry's features. His beauty mark near his mouth. His semi-tamed mess of hair that was surprisingly softer than mine. The way his eyes changed shades of green as his environment did. The upward style of his nose that would look strange on anyone other than him.

He held such a beauty to him that other guys only wished to possess. Simply captivating, and I was more than happy that I was able to be the first one to take away his innocence. Suddenly Harry spoke, clearing his throat pulling me out of my thoughts. "It's actually pretty amazing. Thanks, I guess." He smiled looking over towards me.

Something about how sincere his smile was made me return one as well. Our eyes looking back and forth between the two, us just standing there while the sun bore down on our skin from above. My lower lip went into my mouth as I bit it. My stomach began to churn as this moment was becoming too sentimental and emotional for my liking.

Thankfully, I didn't have to address it as Harry closed the space between us, and brought his hand to my face. The pad of his thumb gently tugging on my lip, releasing it from my teeth. My eyes looking up as our height difference was more noticeable up close. His hair falling around his face as he looked down at me. The sun cascaded around his figure, practically glowing all around. This saint simply looked like he was sent from heaven.

"Do you happen to have anything else in store as far as surprises?" He asked, cupping my face with his large hand. This never happened to me. I was always one step ahead of Harry, and yet he has me speechless. Under control of his beauty and sudden come on. Instead of replying I gave a shake of my head, our eyes never once leaving each other.

"Hmm, guess we have a whole class period to think of something right?" He added with a smirk, his fingers now trailing along my jaw as his other arm snakes its way behind me. I was so caught off guard, and my power was slowly depleting, and no rational reason could justify as to why.

It only made matters worse as Harry placed his lips on the other side of my jaw, and his hand found its way to my ass, squeezing harshly. "I could probably think of a few things, wouldn't you say?" He murmured against my neck as he continued his assault on my neck.

The only thing I could take into account at that moment was that Harry Styles was the only guy I'd ever fooled around with to make me soaking by his touch alone.

Lots of firsts, I suppose.


I wanted to update mmk

i wanna make an update schedule but fuck i can't commit to anything so until my life is in some sort of normality then yall are gonna have to wait until i have time IM SORRY MOM DONT GROUND ME

oh and im v upset w all the 1d drama so i dont even wanna get into i mmmmmmkkkkkkkkkk

ya ya ya uhm i kinda want a new cover, and what i mean by that is IT WOULD BE SO A1 IF ANYONE WOULD LIKE TO BE SUPER SWEET AND MAKE ME A COVER <3

haha pm me though if you'd be interested

i feel like im forgetting something but im probably not so...

ohh yeah i was runnin' thru the 6 w/ my woes... but you guys know how that shit go


k gn its midnight peace babes


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