Chapter 3 - The Chase

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After so much looking, we got an Eartbending teacher for Aang, and the best I've ever seen if I say so myself. I was woken up by Katara a few minutes ago because we landed to camp, I wasn't that tired anymore and I was glad that I didn't have any more nightmares since I met Aang and the rest. It would have been awkward.

"Hey, you guys picked a great campsite. The grass is so soft." I opened my eyes and looked at the ground, smiling as I jumped from Appa's back. "Sorry Toph, but Appa's shedding." I informed her. "Oh, gross!" Katara remarked.

"That's not gross, it's just a part of spring. You know, rebirth, flowers blooming, and Appa gets a new coat." I saw many butterflies and other birds flying around Aang as he explained. "Ahh. The beauty of spring." Katara said.

Appa growled and I widened my eyes and stepped back enough so as not to get covered by his fur. Bad luck for the others tho. "Stop! Appa, stop!" I laughed as Katara coughed and tried to clean her clothes. "It's not that bad, Katara. It makes a great wig!" Sokka shows the white wig he did, and then Aang comes with a beard. "And a great beard."

The boys laughed, but Katara didn't find it funny. "I'm just glad we have two more girls in the group, because you boys are disgusting."

"Excuse me. Does anyone have a razor, because I got some hairy pits." Toph raised her arms and a lot of Appa's hair fell out, the three of them laughed and Katara turned to me. "At least you are civilized, (Y/N)."

"Not for long!" Toph shouted and I chuckled as she began chasing me with fur in her hands, then the boys followed me to the same. I heard Katara laughing after all.

In the evening, when the sun was starting to disappear, everyone helped to set up camp, except for Toph. Katara didn't seem to be okay with that, so I took over to make dinner and watch what we need for food as the Waterbender went to Toph. "So, Toph, usually when setting up camp, we try to divide up the work."

"Hey, don't worry about me. I'm good to go." Toph said as she seemed very relaxed right now. "Well, actually, what I'm trying to say is some of us might fetch water while someone else might set up the fire pit, put up the tent or prepare the food. Even Momo does his fair share." Katara explained.

"Katara, I'm fine. I can carry my own weight. I don't need a fire, I've already collected my own food, and look." She used her bending to make a small tent made of earth. "My tent's all set up."

Uff, with this I already know there's going to be problems. "Well, that's great for you, but we still need to finish--"

"I don't understand. What's the problem here?" Toph asks, crossing her arms. I see Katara's hand clench and I called out to her, getting her attention. "Never mind." Katara walks to me and sits, helping me with the food in silence.

The bender glanced at me, I didn't stop looking at her and she seemed a bit mad as I did so. "What?" That came out very angry, and from her expression, I understood she didn't mean it like that, she sighed. "I'm sorry, (Y/N)." Katara apologized.

"No need. But Katara, at least try to be a bit understanding. Toph never had friends and maybe she doesn't know how teamwork is." I said, flashing her a small smile. "You never had any friends either and you are just fine..." I have to admit that hurt a bit, but it's a fact so I bit my tongue and didn't say anything about it.

"People are different, Katara." I heard an 'ouch' from behind and turned to see Sokka being crushed by Appa's saddle. I pursed my lips and looked back at the task I had at hand, Katara stood and went for some water, leaving me in between two childish boys and a lone wolf Earthbender.

I remember when I had just planned to find the Avatar and rescue my sister, and suddenly so much is changing. I hope Teva is safe somehow...

"Hey, guys! Help me make a fire!" I shouted, Aang and Sokka ran to me immediately and started making fire for the food, Sokka accidentally hurt himself with the rock and I snorted. "Don't laugh! This could also happen to you!"

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