Chapter 6 - The Desert

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With no Appa, the library under the sand, and in the middle of nowhere, Aang gave into despair as the rest of us looked around the desert for anything or anyone that can help us. "How could you let them take Appa?! Why didn't you stop them?!" Shouted Aang. There was a lot of tension between the two right now, I don't blame Aang, the airbender and the bison have a connection that goes beyond spiritual, but I also feel bad for Toph, there was no way she could have stopped the library AND save Appa. "I couldn't! The library was sinking, you guys were still inside, and--"

"You could've come to get us! I could've saved him!" A distraught Aang steps closer to Toph and begins scolding her for not doing anything. "I can hardly feel any vibrations out here. The sandbenders snuck up on me, and there wasn't time for--" Aang interrupted his friend again, his voice getting louder. "You just didn't care! You never liked Appa! You wanted him gone!"

It was time for me to step in, I was worried it would become more violent. "Stop it, Aang! If it wasn't for Toph we would have been sunk along with the library." I said, Katara rested a hand on the airbender's shoulder, who was still glaring at Toph. "(Y/N)'s right, Toph did all she could. She saved our lives."

"Who's gonna save our lives now? We'll never make it out of here." Stated Sokka and Aang walked away with a scold. "That's all any of you guys care about, yourselves! You don't care whether Appa is okay or not." Katara and I looked at each other before she tried calming Aang down again. "We're all concerned, but we can't afford to be fighting now." She said.

"I'm going after Appa." And with that, Aang flew off with his staff. "Aang, wait!" Katara shouted, but he was long gone.

"What happened to stay as a team...?" I muttered, staring at the far-away form of the avatar. I can't believe he did this, I've never seen Aang like this but I can't judge him, I had the same reaction and behavior when I left home to find my sister.

Katara sighed lowly. "We'd better start walking, we're the only people who know about the solar eclipse. We have to get that information to Ba Sing Se." We began following Katara onward, I refused to look directly to the horizon in hopes to forget we have a long way ahead.

"You think if we dig out the giant owl, he'll give us a ride?" I knew it was a joke, but Sokka somehow chooses the worst moments. "Don't even joke about that." I said.


// Timeskip //

I knew I couldn't use my bending much, but it does come in handy to make some shadow, there's no wind but all I need is to hide from the sun. I hate the sun so much. To distract myself, I began reading the book I found, I will leave my soulbending teaching to a time we're actually safe.

"How can you even read with this heat??" Sokka asked me, I answered without taking my eyes from the book. "I really don't want to think of the road ahead..." I said, and he groaned. Sokka halts to use Momo's wings for shade and causes Toph to crash into him. "Can't you watch where you're--"

"No." Toph simply says, Momo jumps to my shoulders and purrs as he finally gets some shelter from the sun. "Right, sorry." Apologizes Sokka.

Katara turns and takes the book from my hands, closing it and putting it in my bag again. I couldn't help but sigh in disappointment. "Come on, guys, we've gotta stick together." She says, we're all flushing because of the sun, tired and panting since we haven't rest.

"If I sweat anymore, I don't think stickin' together will be a problem." I shook my head as Sokka tries to push Toph away, the earthbender just throws him to the ground easily. "Katara, can I have some water?" First time I ever heard her say something in a cute tone.

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