Chapter 29

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On the drive home Lauren gave me the ultrasound photos. I stared at them the entire time, it was just all so crazy to me. In just 7 months this photo will change so much. In just 7 months I will have the tiny person in this photo. As soon as the car pulled up to the house everyone came running out. We got out of the car and Lauren yelled.

"Who wants to see our baby?!"

The rest of the day consisted of everyone asking Lauren questions about names and what she wants. I wasn't really listening until I heard Harry ask a question.

"Where are you going to put the nursery?"

Lauren just sat there with a puzzled look on her face. She looked at me and mouthed for me to answer.

"Uh..we aren't sure yet. We'll figure something out, we have a lot of time."

After that I went into my own world again. When it got around to being 7 o'clock Danielle and Liam left and Eleanor and Perrie went to start dinner. Not without the help of Louis though. Zayn and Harry started to play Fifa on the gaming console, leaving just Lauren and I in the livingroom. I moved over to the couch and motioned for her to come join me. She didn't hesitate, when she sat next to me I put my arm around her.


"Yeah princess?"

"We don't have any room for a nursery in this house. You do know that don't you?" She asked sounding concerned.

"I know but what are we going to do?"

"I think we need to move out. Get a place of our own."

"Can't we just have the baby in our room for the first few months and then move it over to the nursery when it gets old enough for an actual crib?"

"I'll make a deal with you. We live here until One Direction is finished and then we move out."





It's been about 2 weeks since the ultrasound and I have started showing but it's not that noticeable. It's getting harder to fit into my clothes so sometimes I do end up wearing Niall's. He's fine with it and says I look cute in his stuff. We made plans to visit our parents this week and tell them we're pregnant. The girls helped me make cute gifts to tell them that they are going to be grandparents. Niall's Mum and Dad get these wooden blocks that Perrie painted and they say "The best parents get promoted to grandparents." and they are all tied up with a cute little bow. My parents get a thimble with a piece of bow on it that says a little birdie told me that you're going to be grandparents.

"Lauren are you ready to go?" Niall yells

"Yeah, I'm coming!"

I grab my bag and walk down the hallway. Niall is waiting for me at the door, we say goodbye to the others and head for the airport. Once we get through the security we find our gate and sit down. We have at least half an hour until our plane leaves.

"We're staying at your parents right?" I ask, looking up at him.

"If that's okay with you, unless it would make you both happy to stay with your parents."

"No no it's fine sweetie. I was just checking."

"Oh okay, do you want to tell my parents first since we are staying at their house?" Niall asks

"Yes that would be fine. my parents don't know we are coming anyways."

"You didn't tell them?"

"No I didn't tell them."

Waking up in IrelandDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora