Chapter 10

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I woke up and rolled over. As usual I saw an empty side of the bed. I sighed and sat up. Stretching, I got out of bed and headed to the kitchen. I grabbed some food and joined everyone in the living room. I noticed as soon as I walked in the girls started laughing a bit as the guys just looked rather confused.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked, sitting down on the floor

"What happened to your hair mate?" Louis asked.

"What are you talking about?" I ask, getting a bit worried.

I quickly get up and rush to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror I see my hair is completely purple!


I can't help but burst out laughing when Niall leaves the room. The girls and I are hysterical and the boys look confused as ever.

"What happened?" Harry asks

"That might have been a bit of Liz and I's dirty work." Perrie says, high-fiving me.

"When did you get to do that?" Louis asks, clearly still confused.

"Last night." I respond, rather proud of myself.

"Okay who did it?!" Niall asks, storming back into the room.

No one says anything.

"Come on! I know it was one of you girls."

"Now how do you know that?" Dani asks, clearly disgusted by what Niall had just said.

"Because these boys don't know the first thing about dying hair and Perrie is the only one that I know who keeps every color of hair dye under the sun in the bathroom." Niall finishes, still frustrated.

Perrie gives me a look and I understand what she wants to do. I nod and we both sprint in different directions.

"You have to be kidding me!" Niall shouts.

I run down the hallway into Niall's room and close the door, thinking he has probably went after Perrie. Quickly, I hide in his closet and shut the door. I don't hear anything, which is when I can take a second to catch my breath. My heart is beating super fast at this point, I feel like this is a life-or-death situation. I hear the door open and I slip to the back of the closet, hoping whoever it is doesn't see me.

"Liz, I know you're in here. I've already caught Perrie." He says, as I hear him go into 'my' closet.

I take this moment as an opportunity to make a run for it. So, that's exactly what I did. I rush out of the closet only to be grabbed at the last second.

"No! Niall put me down!" I laugh.

"Gladly." He says, pinning me down on the bed so I'm staring right at him.

I take one look at his hair and burst out laughing.

"I'm glad you find this funny Liz."

"I think it looks good on you."

"Well I guess that makes one of us."

"You're taking this stuff out of my hair right now." He jokes.

"Make me Horan." I say, causing him to smirk.

At that moment I don't know what came over me but I did something that I had no intention of doing anytime soon. I kissed him.

***3 months later***


Ever since Lauren helped Perrie dyed Niall's hair it has been much more awkward between the two of them. Niall has pretty much given up all hope he had about a date with her. He's kind of lost his sparkle. Harry and I have began to talk more, which is good, considering the fact that I'm practically 20 weeks or 4 ½ months pregnant. I've mainly taken the girls to the ultrasounds and sometimes one or two of the boys. Harry, however, hasn't been to any. Well, that all changes today because today's is when we find out the gender of our babies. That's right! I said babies, as in twins!

"You ready to go?" Harry asks, walking into our bedroom.

"I suppose so.."

I follow Harry down the hall and out to the driveway, grabbing Lauren in the process. I ride was silent for the most part. I believe it was just the fact that we didn't know what to say to each other.

"Are you excited?" He asks, clearly trying to start a conversation.

"Yeah..are you?"

"I am."

"And I thought my conversations with Niall were painful." Lauren jokes from the backseat.

I see Harry give her a glare in the mirror and shuts up pretty quickly. Thankfully we arrive at the doctor's office soon after that. Harry lets the lady at the window know that we're here as Lauren and I sit down. We aren't in the waiting room for very long before my name is called.

We follow the nurse into one of the rooms and she has me sit on the bed. She asks me the questions I'm asked every time I come here. Once she's finished she tells us the doctor will be in shortly and then leaves.

The room is silent. I can tell no one really knows what to say.

"Oh I almost forgot." Lauren begins, grabbing something from her coat pocket. "We took a poll."

"A poll for what?" Harry asks.

"The gender of the babies. Listen I'll read it to you." Lauren takes a deep breath. "Danielle, Perrie, and I think it's going to be a boy and a girl. Louis and Zayn are on team boy and boy and Liam and Niall think it's two girls."

"I agree with Liam and Niall. I just have a feeling it's two little girls." Harry says, giving me a small smile.

"Hello Miss Cimino." Dr. Manning says, walking into the room.


"So who do we have with us today?" She asks, sitting down next to the bed.

"This is Harry. He's the twins father and this is my sister Lauren."

"Nice to meet both of you." She says, getting nods from both Lauren and Harry. "Are we ready to get started?"

She puts the gel on my stomach and begins to move the wand around. We all turn our attentions to the monitor.

"Here are your twins heartbeats." She says.

I feel Harry grab my hand and I look at him. He lets go and looks down at the floor like I've just yelled at him or something. I grab his hand and place it back where he had it the first time. He smiles at me, slightly embarrassed.

"All right here we go." She says, looking at both of the babies. Once she's done she types a few things onto the monitor and then turns to look at us. "Congratulations you two. You're having a boy and a girl!"   

Waking up in IrelandDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora