Chapter 9

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The next few days rolled by rather slowly. I was beginning to get frustrated because I couldn't come up with anything to do for a date. My mind is completely blank. Everything around the house has been pretty calm around here. Liam and Zayn have been on the phone it seems every minute with Simon and management about the tour that we will be going on soon. Harry and Olivia still haven't spoken to each other. I don't believe that they've even been in the same room. As for the rest of us things have been going fairly smoothly. The girls, as well as the rest of us, have been showing her old videos and photographs trying to get her to remember things. It's getting better actually. She seems to be remembering a lot more than she was before.

I walked into the kitchen and looked at the clock on the stove. 6:19pm. I decided that I would grab something to eat before heading into the living room. I plopped down on the couch Lauren was sitting at. She was on her phone, so she didn't seem to notice.

Everyone just sat there in silence doing their own thing until Louis spoke up.

"I'm bored." He whined, causing El to laugh at him.

"Well what do you want to do?" Perrie asked him.

"Let's watch a movie or something." Danielle suggests.

"What movie? We have thousands."

"How about the Conjuring?" Zayn suggests, getting approved nods from everyone.


We were about half way through the movie when I looked over at Lauren, she has a blanket covering her so that only her eyes were showing. She looked terrified. Thinking quickly I grabbed my phone from my pocket.

To: Princess

Are you scared?

I watched as Lauren got her phone out, she looked confused at first but responded.

From: Princess

Niall is this you?

Mentally I hit myself, remembering that she didn't have my number in her phone.

To: Princess

Yeah it's me. Sorry, I forgot you didn't have my number.

I saw her once again check her phone. She smiled.

From: Princess

It's okay...but to answer your previous question. Yes, I might be a bit scared.

Taking a deep breath I typed my response. Unsure of what kind of reaction I was going to get from her.

To: Princess

Then come here..

I watched in fear as to what she would say. She looked at her phone and then locked it, not bothering to respond. She looked at me and moved closer to me so she had her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and continued to watch the movie. I looked at Louis, who was grinning like an idiot. That being said, so was everyone else.


When the movie was over everyone headed to their rooms, leaving me and Lauren in the living room by ourselves. She had fallen asleep, meaning I had two choices.

1: Wake her up and regret my decision later.


2: Don't wake her.

I of course went with option number 2. I started to drift off to sleep when multiple pairs of footsteps began to get closer. Opening my eyes, I saw the boys, minus Harry, enter the room.

"What's going on?"

"We feel like we should go try to talk to Harry. You in?" Liam asks, raising his eyebrow when he sees Lauren.

"I'm kinda busy right now." I say, causing Lauren to stir in her sleep.

I watch her as she opens her eyes, stretching as she does so. She looks over at me and gives a shy smile, clearly embarrassed that she fell asleep. She says goodnight to the boys and I and leaves to go to Danielle's room.

"Guess you're not busy now." Louis says, laughing a bit.

I roll my eyes at Louis's comment and follow them to Harry and Olivia's room. Zayn knocks and receives a quiet "come in." Harry is sitting on the bed on his phone when we come in. He looks up at us, giving us a confused look.

"What's going on?" Harry asks, as we stand by the bed.

"Can we talk to you?" Louis asks.

"Yeah sure."

"Why exactly did you say what you did to Olivia?" Liam asks, causing Harry to give him an annoyed look.


"Harry, that's not an answer." I state

"Because I'm just not ready to be a father alright?! I mean, what if I'm a bad dad? What happens if she goes into labor while we're on tour and I can't be home to help. What if the baby gets sick and I can't make it better? I don't know guys..I guess I'm just scared is all." Harry explains

"Harry, you're not alone here. You have all of us, including the girls, to help you and Olivia out. Everything is going to be okay." Liam reassures him.

"The only thing is is that Olivia won't even talk to me..she hates me right now."

"You know she'll come around mate. She was probably just shocked at you reaction..considering it didn't really help the situation." Zayn explains.

"You think I don't know that? I regret saying what I did, I really do but there's nothing I can do about it now." Harry sighs.


I headed back to Danielle's room, after just practically embarrassing myself in the living room. Opening the door, I see all the girls sitting in a circle type thing on the floor.

"There she is!" Perrie exclaims.

"What are you talking about?" I ask, joining them in the circle.

"We saw you and Niall getting all cuddly." Danielle says, nudging me.

This causes me to blush, which the girls pick up on.

"You're starting to like him aren't you?" Eleanor picks

"Don't you think it's a little early to start liking him? I mean I haven't been home for that long. I-I..I just don't know."

The room went silent. Mainly because I don't think anyone knew what to say. I don't think they were expecting that response from me.

"Hey I have an idea.." Perrie says, breaking the silence.

"Tell us."

"Well..I have some different colored hair dye under the bathroom sink. Who wants to dye someones hair?" Perrie explains, looking rather pleased with this idea.

"Let's do it." Olivia says.

Perrie and I go into the bathroom and choose a color out from under the sink. We setting on lavender. Bringing it back into the room we settle on a 'victim'. Perrie and I head out of the room and check if he's sleeping. Carefully I sit on the bed while Perrie is telling me what to do.

"It's a good thing he's a heavy sleeper." I whisper.

"Yeah but you'd think this would wake him. At least make him stir." Perrie responds.

We finish and look at what we had just completed.

"He's going to be so mad." I whisper to Perrie, causing her to give me a devilish smirk.

"Yeah but it will be worth it."

Waking up in IrelandDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora