Chapter 32

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It's been a few days since the whole thing with Darcy but she is fine now. Harry went back on tour with the boys yesturday. Today Olivia, the twins and I will be going to register for gifts. Now that I'm in the second trimester I can start thinking about how I want to do the baby's room and the big gender reveal. Niall and I will be finding out when I'm about 19 weeks. So only 2 1/2 more weeks to go.

Olivia and I are finishing getting the twins ready for the cool March weather. Once we get their little coats and rainboots on we get in the car and drive to the shopping center. Since we don't know the sex of the baby yet we mainly register for the furniture. We register for this beautiful cresent moon crib and a star changing table. We actually buy some cute unisex clothes. Olivia picks out this adorable onsie that says "I'm cute, Mom's cute, Dad's lucky" on it. I find this cute onsie that says "If you think I'm cute you should see my uncles.". We spend a few hours shopping and just looking around. Once we are finished we thank the worker and leave.


The boys come home the day before the ultrasound. They're all excited because Niall and I told them that they were all allowed to come. They thought it would be fun if we didn't know the sex of the baby until they throw us a gender reveal party. Niall of course thought this was a great idea so I agreed to it. We all get into the cars around 1 and drive to the doctors office. Niall checks me in and we wait for about 15 minutes before we are called back. We all walk back. When Dr. Brennan comes in she is a bit surprised that there are 12 people in the room.

"Well this is a pretty big croud you guys have." Dr. Brennan says

"Yeah, well they all wanted to come." Niall says

"Let me introduce them. This is my sister Olivia and her husband Harry, those are their twins Owen and Darcy. This is our friend Louis and his girlfriend Eleanor, Liam and his girlfriend Danielle, and last but not least this is my bestfriend Perrie and her boyfriend Zayn."

"Well it's nice to meet you all. Are you ready to see the baby?" Dr. Brennan asks

"Of course." Zayn replies

Dr. Brennan puts the gel on my stomach. Just like the first time it is a little cold. The baby's heartbeat begins and then the baby appears on the screen. It's changed so much since last time. I look at everyone and their mouths are all open and their eyes wide. I just laugh.

"So would you like to know the sex of your baby? Dr. Brennan asks

"Actually can you write it on a peice of paper and hand it to me?" Liam asks

"Of course."

Dr. Brennan does as she is asked and hand the paper to Liam. Liam thanks her. She wipes the gel off my stomach and tells us we can leave.


Today is the big gender reveal party. For the past few day everyone has been working nonstop and Niall and I aren't allowed to help. At about noon they call us into the backyard and everything looks great. They have a cake and a table with presents on it along with a huge box. There is a pretty good ammount of people there. Both of our families are on skype. About an hour into the party Louis shuts off the music.

"Everyone can you please listen!" Perrie says

"Okay so Niall and Lauren can you come over here by the cake please. Lou and Lux can you go over to the big box." Harry asks

We do as we are told.

Niall and I walk over to the cake and Danielle hands us a knife. Lou and Lux walk over to the box.

"Okay so here is what is going to happen. Liam is going to count to three, when he says go I need you guys to open the box and for Niall and Lauren to cut the cake." Olivia says

"One, Two, Three. Go!" Liam yells

We cut the cake and they open the box. Balloons pop up out of the box and Niall and I pull out the peice of cake to see the color.

It's Blue.

"We're having a boy!" Niall yells at the top of his lungs

Everyone cheers.

Niall looks at me a whisphers

"We are having a boy."

Then he kisses me.

"I told you we were." I say smiling

Waking up in IrelandDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora