Chapter 36

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When we got home Lauren went straight up the stairs and into our room. I decided not to go up there yet, to just give her some space. She just needed some time to process all that just happened. We all do. Around 11, I decide it's time for bed, so I head up the stairs. The door to our room is still closed and I can see no light coming from underneath the door, so I suspect she's sleeping. I slowly open the door, making sure not to wake her if she is, in fact, asleep. When I close the door and turn around, Lauren is laying on our bed asleep. She never changed into her pajamas and she looked absolutely beat, so I decided not to wake her. I quietly change and sneak over to her side to cover her with a blanket, since I know I won't be waking her up to get under the sheets. I get on my side and check my social media, there is already a hashtag trending on twitter and instagram. #alwaysinourhearts and #ByeZayn. I look for a little more but get frustrated and decide it's time to go to bed. I put my phone on the nightstand and have no trouble falling asleep.


The next 3 days are crazy. We are all getting phone calls asking for a statement or to come for an interview. The paps are in our yard, it's like we've just started over again. We can't leave the house without being swarmed by them. Lauren has decided not to leave the house until they're gone because she is worried about be pushed and something happening to the baby. Harry and Louis took the twins for the day and the girls are finishing the planning for the babyshower. Lauren is in the kitchen skyping with Perrie, while Liam and I are playing Fifa. Our game is cut short when Liam's phone rings.

"Hello? Oh Hi Simon. Hold on let me put you on speaker." Liam says "Simon you are now on speaker."

"Boys, it's time. You need to do an interview." Simon says

"But why? Don't you think it's a bit soon. I mean Zayn only left 3 days ago." Liam says, obviously trying to persuade him

"I've set up an interview with The Sun tomorrow. All of you will go and all of you will speak. Do you understand?"

"Yes" Liam answers

"I was talking to you Niall."

"Yes Simon. I understand."

"Good, the car will be there for you tomorrow morning. 10am. Be ready." Simon says, ending the phone call.

"Well, I guess we should tell the others." Liam says

"You know Louis isn't going to want to do it Liam."

"I know Niall, but there is nothing we can really do."

"Then you can call Louis, I don't want him swearing at me." I say getting up

I walk to the back porch and call Harry. He answers and I tell him what Simon says, he isn't happy about it but he said okay. When the conversation is over I head back to the living room. Liam just gets off the phone when I walk in.

"Well? Was he mad?"

"Do you even know Louis?" Liam asks, sarcastically

"You're right. I should've known better."


We are all ready to go at about 10. We are currently waiting outside for the car that Simon has sent to get us. Once it's here we all pile inside, the ride is silent. Not the awkward silence like it normally is but a more sad silence because nobody wants to do what we have to. When the car pulls up to the building we all get out and rushed away from each other to do hair, makeup, and wardrobe. I don't even know sometimes why we even bother to get ready. We just get changed anyways. Once we are all finished we are sat on a couch with the interviewer sat in the chair opposite us. The camera man begins to count down and then suddenly we're live.

Waking up in IrelandDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora