Chapter 18

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It's been about 2 months since Niall and I have gotten back together and he has kept his promise. He calls me everyday about 2 times a day. Sometimes more. Throughout these 2 weeks I have been packing up my entire room. No I am not taking all of it. I'm only taking the stuff that I have brought with, plus a few other things from my room. The rest goes into storage, since I hopefully won't be coming back for good. I zipped up my last suitcase and headed downstairs. I said my goodbyes to my family and my dad drove me to the airport. The entire way there he kept making sure that this is what I wanted, and I assured him that it was. He drops me off at the airport and I say goodbye to him and head inside. Once I gave the people my things and I went through security I sat down and waited for my flight.

"Flight 218 to London is now boarding."

I gave the flight attendant my ticket and got to my seat. A couple had sat down next to me and introduced themselves as well as their baby. I did the same and then put in my headphones to wait for the plane to take off.


I must've fallen asleep because the next thing I know we landed. I texted El to tell her to come and get me as I got off the plane. I walked over and waited to get my bag. A few girls came over and asked for a photo with me and I said yes. That was the first time that has ever happened to me and it felt weird but kinda cool. Once I got my things I headed out to wait for El. I saw her car and headed over. She helped me put my things into the back and we started home.

"The girls are so excited to see you. We've missed you!" Eleanor says.

"I missed you guys too. How's Liv?"

"She looks like she's gonna pop."

"And Perrie?"


"Well I can imagine. The wedding is in a week."

I hear my phone ring and I take it out to answer it. It's Niall.

"Hey." I whisper so El wouldn't hear me.

"Hi princess, how's everything going?"

"Pretty good. I'm in the car with El right now and we are heading to the house."

"You haven't told the girls yet have you?"

"Not yet, I was waiting for you so we could tell them together."

"Alrighty. Well, I was just calling to see how you were doing. I have to be on stage in 10 so I just wanted to say I miss you and love you and I'll see you soon."

"Okay bye." I say. "I love you too."

"Bye princess."

I hung up the phone and noticed Eleanor was staring at me. She looked confused.

"Who was that?" She asks, raising her eyebrow at me.

"Oh it was my mum." I say, looking out the window.

The rest of the ride was mainly silent. When we pulled up to the house I saw the front door open and the girls pile out. I'm engulfed in a hug, being squished my Olivia's stomach. We all went inside and put my things back in mine and Niall's room.

I started to unpack and began putting the photos of Niall and I up all around the room. I put my stuff in my closet and once most of the things are unpacked I take a break and head into the living room. Olivia and Perrie are in there. I can hear Dani and El in the kitchen doing the dishes I believe.

"Do you want to see the nursery?" Olivia asks, excitedly.

"Of course!" I yell.

I follow her into the spare bedroom which had now been turned into the nursery. It had two trees painted on the wall. One had a girl on a swing and the other a boy climbing the other tree. Their cribs were placed beneath them on the wall. There was a changing table as well as two dressers, so they both could have their own. A rocking chair was across from the cribs.

"Liv it looks amazing." I say in awe, as I look around the room. "Have you showed Harry yet?"

"No, we just finished it a few days ago." She explains, sitting down in the rocking chair.

"He's going to love it."


About 5 days later it was the day the boys were scheduled to get home. I woke up that morning and practically jumped out of bed I was so excited. I missed Niall so much and I just wanted to see him. Once everyone was awake and dressed we went to get the bridesmaids dresses and Perrie's dress from the bridal shop. Olivia, Perrie, and I went to the venue to make sure everything would be in place for tomorrow. Eleanor and Danielle went to pick the guys up from the airport as we took the dresses to the church where we would be getting ready. Once we got home Perrie and I had began cooking some dinner for the boys while Olivia waited anxiously at the window for the car.

"They're here!" Olivia yells from the living room.

I drop what I was doing and rush outside to meet the car. I watched as Niall got out of the car and I pulled him into a hug bear hug.

"Hey princess." He whispers into my ear.

"I missed you." I whisper.

"I missed you too." 

Waking up in IrelandDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora