Chapter 34

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When morning comes I sneak out of the bed and downstairs to the kitchen. Harry is in there cooking.

"Hey." I say, walking to the pantry

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well Olivia woke me up last night because she heard Lauren crying in you guys' room. So I was just wondering."

"Lauren just had a bad dream." I tell him, starting to pour the cereal into a bowl

"Really? About what?"

"She thought she had lost the baby."

And there it was. The awkward silence. Harry didn't speak and neither did I.

"Is she okay now?" Harry asked, breaking the silence

"Yeah, just rattled. Must've been pretty scary."

"I can imagine."

"Listen, can you just not say anything about it?"

"Of course. My lips are sealed."

Silently thanking him, I grab the two bowls and head back up to our room. I open the door quietly so that if Lauren is asleep, I won't wake her. But all my quietness was for nothing because she's sitting up on her laptop.

"Morning princess." I say handing her the bowl


"How are you feeling?"

"As good as I can." She says coldly

"Do you need anything? I can get you something if you want me too."

"Can you just be quiet for a second please?"

"I'm sorry. I was just trying to be nice."

"I'm going to go take a shower."

She shoves the bowl back into my hands and shut her laptop quickly. Then she gets up, grabs her clothes and leaves the room. Slamming the door behind her.


About an hour later she emerges from the bathroom and puts her hair into a ponytail. I'm still sitting on the bed, when she comes in.

"Lauren." I begin. "We need to talk." I say, patting the spot next to me on the bed

"About what?" She asks, sitting down next to me

"What happened last night?"

"Niall, I don't want to talk about it." She says, starting to get up

I lightly grab her wrist.

"Please, don't make me have to worry."

She sits down and explains the dream to me. When she finishes I'm both horrified and upset. My girlfriend just had the most horrible dream to me and I'm not even the one who's carrying the baby.

"Come here." I say, holding my arms wide open

She leans in and I wrap my arms around her and we just sit there. I don't know how long we were here but when I heard Gemma's voice I knew I had to let go.


"I know. Go ahead." She says, motioning me out of the room.

Kissing her on the forehead I get out of the bed and head next door to the baby's nursery. The furniture had been delivered and the boys had started working on it. Liam and I started to put the crib together, while Louis and Harry worked on the bookshelf.

Waking up in IrelandDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora