Chapter 19

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As per usual, the car ride from the airport to the house tool forever, only this time it seemed longer. That would be because I wanted to see Lauren. I could tell that Harry was much more anxious than I was because Olivia is due in a few weeks and he has practically missed all of the pregnancy. I watched out the window as we pulled up to the driveway and I saw Liz run out the front door towards the car. I pushed my way through everyone so that I could get out first. I stood there as she pulled me into a hug.

"Hey princess." I whispered, so that no one else would hear.

"I missed you." She said, into my neck.

"I missed you too." I say, as I put her down.

Everyone was staring at us.

"Something you care to tell us?" Liam asks, taking Danielle's hand with his.

"Harry." Lauren motions towards Harry and his face lights up.

"Liz and Niall are back together!" Harry yells.

"That's awesome!" Zayn says.

"Congrats mate." Louis says, patting me on the back.

We get everyone's congratulations and we headed inside. I was getting late and I was tired so I headed to bed and took Liz with me. I snuggled up to her and we fell asleep instantly.



Today is Perrie and Zayn's wedding day. The girls and I are currently at the church getting ready and the guys are doing the same at the house. Perrie, as expected, is a nervous wreck. She is thinking about every possible thing that could go wrong, which probably isn't a good thing.

"I can't find Lux!" Lauren yells from another room.

"Well find her! She's the flower girl!" Perrie yells back.

"Perrie, darling, sit still. Your hair is going to be all messed up if you keep moving." Lou scolds.

"Sorry Lou, I'm just nervous is all. I feel like I'm going to throw up." She says, looking at herself in the mirror.

"Don't worry dear. Everything will go fine today. You just need to stay positive." Lou reassures her.

"We found her! She was playing outside!" Lauren calls, peeking her head into the room.

"Okay get her cleaned up and into her dress. We don't have a lot of time!"

"We have another problem!" Eleanor calls, from the back room.

"What is it now?!" Perrie yells, looking even more worried.

"We can't find the flower girl dress or Perrie's wedding dress!"

"Well where the hell are they?!" Perrie yells.

"Oh I remember. I think they're still at the house. We put them in the nursery last night. I guess no one remembered to grab them." Lauren explains, walking into the room.

"Can someone please go get them?" Perrie begs, practically in tears which Lou scolds since she just finished her makeup.

"I will." I say grabbing my keys.

I got into my car and began to drive to the house. During the trip I felt a sharp pain in my back. I just brushed it off as another Braxton Hicks. I pulled up to the house and walked inside. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was complete chaos. Niall and Louis were running around the house pantless, Harry was cleaning something off of his tux, Liam was getting his hair done, and Zayn was nowhere in sight.

"STYLES, HORAN, TOMLINSON. FRONT AND CENTER NOW." I shout, having them line up in front of me. "What the hell is going on here?"

"We were just having a little fun." Louis says, starting to pout.

"Niall and Louis, go get some pants on. Harry come with me and I will help get that stuff off your tux."

Niall and Louis went to get their pants on and I cleaned whatever it was off Harry's tux. I then went to get the flower girl dress and the wedding dress. Just when I thought things were going good and I could leave, Niall and Louis come over to me.

"We have a problem." Niall says. "Well actually Lou has a problem."

"What is it?"

"My pants are too big." Lou says, looking down at them.

They were covering his feet. 

"Great. Just what I need." I say sarcastically.

"Guys my pants don't fit!" Zayn yells, running into the room.

"You have Louis's and you have Zayn's now go switch and hurry up and get to the church."

I say bye to the boys and headed back to the church. I once again felt the pain and once again I shrugged it off.


Olivia finally got back with the dresses and Perrie and Lux got changed. By the time we were ready the guests began to arrive along with the boys. We took some of our photos and then headed to get to our places.

Lux was first to walk down the aisle. Then it was Niall and I, followed by Olivia and Harry, Louis and Eleanor, and Liam and Danielle. Once we were all up there the wedding music began to play and 2 large doors opened to reveal Perrie and her dad. As they walked down the aisle I looked over to see Zayn crying. He looked so happy. Her dad passed her to Zayn and then shook his hand. Then the ceremony began.


Half way through I felt Olivia tap me on the shoulder. I turned around.

"What is it?" I ask.

"My water just broke."

I tried to get Harry's attention but he couldn't figure out what I was saying. Eventually I got irritated and completely interrupted the wedding.

"Olivia's water broke!" I yell, causing the place to go silent.

Harry hurried over to Olivia and helped her out of the church.

"Bye guys! Congratulations!" Olivia yells as she left the church.

Waking up in IrelandDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora