Chapter 38

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The baby shower is over. Everyone is helping me pack things into my car and into Niall's car. Boxes after boxes of stuff comes piling out of Danielle and Liam's place. I have no idea where all of this is going to go. 

Once everything is packed away the girls, not including Perrie and myself, agree to stay and clean up. Thanking them I get in the car with Perrie in the passenger seat. On the drive to the house we catch up a little. She tells me about her and Zayn's new house and says that Niall and I will have to come visit once the baby is born. Of course I agree.

When we reach the house we start unloading the car and for the moment we sit everything in Zayn and Perrie's old room. The boxes take up half the room, unlike when the twins baby shower boxes took up three quarters of the room. Resting my hand on my stomach I notice the engagement ring I just received about 2 hours before. The funny thing is I feel like I've seen this ring before. It looks strangely familiar.  

"Hey Lauren?" Olivia says, coming into the doorway

"Yeah Liv, what is it?"

"I completely forgot about the twins doctor's appointment. I need to go, do you need anything before I do?"

"No I should be okay."


Once she's gone I stare at the ring a little while longer. Then suddenly it hits me, this is my ring. The ring from the time Niall first proposed. After a while of staring at the ring like an idiot I finally sit down. Niall comes up just a little bit after I have sat down and sits down next to me.

"Did you enjoy the baby shower?" Niall asks, putting his arm around me

"Yeah, it was really nice. I love the ring it's beautiful."

"You don't recognize it do you?" Niall asks, sounding a little disappointed

"This was my engagement ring before the accident...wasn't it?"

"The very same."

"I can't believe you kept it."

"Of course I kept it. I paid good money for that ring."

"And you ruined the moment."

"Well I did." He says, laughing


It's been a few days since the baby shower and we just finished unpacking the gifts we got. Sadly the boys have gone back on tour for their last few shows, they should be back in a few weeks. When they get back I should be about 8 months pregnant. Thank goodness because I am ready for this baby to be here.

Since the baby shower is over, the talk of the house is now this wedding. I don't know how many times Niall and I have both told them that we just want a small wedding, just the members in the house, Simon and our families. No one else but you can't tell them anything, once they have an idea in their head they run with it.

Update on the twins: they have officially started walking and talking. It's pretty terrifying, you don't know what is going to come out of their mouths. They like to talk to the baby and feel my stomach. They ask me every 5 seconds if the baby is kicking, they just love it when he does. They have also picked out a name for the baby. Darcy says Kitty and Owen says Hotdog. I've told them I would think about it. I'm still going will Niall James Jr.


The weeks have went by so slowly. The house seems so dull without them. Today is the day that they finally get home from the airport. Eleanor and I are going to pick them up. We've been in the car for about 20 minutes and still have about half an hour left. That time is spent listening to the radio, talking about the wedding plans (Eleanor is basically the only girl on mine and Niall's side) and of course the baby. I'm now currently 35 weeks pregnant, I look like I'm ready to pop.

Waking up in IrelandDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora