Chapter 31

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The next few weeks are hard for both Lauren and I. Lauren is still having nausea most days and now with the baby kicking her it's just making it worse. The guys and I had to go back on tour about a week ago and even though I'm glad to be back; I still wish I was there with them. Lauren gave me the okay to tell Simon and management about the pregnancy, and if it came up in an interview I was allowed to say it's true. Lauren and I skype everyday and her stomach is getting bigger. Soon she won't be able to hide it from the fans and the media. Her clothes are barely fitting her anymore which makes her frustrated. I messaged Perrie this morning asking them to take her out shopping for some new clothes to get her mind off of the pregnancy. She says she is getting fatter and she doesn't like it because she looks ugly but I keep assuring her that she still looks beautiful.

Pretty soon I plan on calling her father to ask if it's okay for me to ask Lauren to marry me. I hope he says yes. I'm currently sitting in my bunk in the tour bus, waiting for my phone to ring. The boys are standing in front of me waiting as well. I feel my phone ringing and Lauren's dad is calling.

"Well go on answer it." Liam says

I answer and put it on speaker.

"H-hello?" I say stuttering

"Hi Niall, what did you need?" Tony answers cheerfully

"Well sir as you know I got Lauren pregnant."

"Yes I do know that, what about it." Tony asks

"Well if I got her pregnant then I think we are ready to take our relationship to the next level."

"Okay, what does this have to do with me?"

"W-well s-sir, I was wondering if I could-...if I could-"

"Calm down Niall. Of course you can ask her to marry you."

After he says this Liam holds his hand out to high five me.


"Well don't sound so surprised. I would want nothing more than for you guys to be married."

"Thank you so much sir."

"No problem."

"Bye sir."

"Oh Niall, one more thing."


"Call me Tony."

"Okay Tony."

"Goodbye Niall."


"Mission accomplished" Harry says sarcastically


Today the boys and I have a meeting with Simon and Management before the show. I plan on dropping the pregnant and proposal bombs on them during that. Hopefully they will take it well because I don't know what would happen if they didn't. The boys and I are sitting in the dressing room and Lou and one of her assistants are doing Harry and Zayn's hair. The makeup artist is working on Liam. When Lou is finished with Harry's hair she calls me up next. While she is doing my hair Simon and Management come in and start to talk to us. They talk about our schedule for the next week and ask if we have anything to say. Of course we don't, we pretty much knew all of this before we went on tour. When Simon asks if we have anything to say I raise my hand.

"Yes Niall, what is it?" Simon asks

"I have something to tell you."

"Okay go ahead."

"I'm planning on asking Lauren to marry me."

I sit there and wait for a response. The room is silent other than the blow dryer that Lou has going.

Waking up in IrelandDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora