Behave Yourself Stupid

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The water enveloped him, he looked up and saw Chrom shouting.
Why was he doing this?  Doesn't he know he's causing him pain? No, there has to be some reason why he would...You just don't hurt the person you love so much. Not like this.

"I can't breathe. Please stop..."

Robin shot up from bed, sweat running down his face and he was panting heavily. He was still drowning. His lungs were full of water. He gasped and coughed. He tried to swim upward but he fell off of his bed.

Chrom heard him from outside and ran into his tent. He saw Robin curled up in a ball on the floor, his eyes were wide with fear. He ran to his side and sat him upright then began shaking his shoulders."Hey! You're okay, Robin! Robin!" Other Shepherds started to run inside his tent, hearing the shouting.

"Listen to me! You're fine,  youre-"

"I'm drowning!" He cried out, clawing at Chrom's arm.

"What's wrong with him? Is this some kind of curse?" Frederick asked. Everyone looked at Tharja.

"Wasn't me." she shrugged.


After Robin calmed down he met in Chrom's tent. The Shepherds had returned long ago from scouting and it was already dark. So much for having the day to themselves.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what happened." Robin explained, "It felt like I was drowning. I couldn't breathe. Maybe it was a nightmare, I'm unsure.  I'm fine now."

"You're not fine!" he tried to keep his voice low as he knew at least someone would be outside listening. "Anyway you'll be safe if you sleep here. It's my fault this happened so I want to do what I can do help you."
He enveloped Robin into a hug, smoothing out his hair. "I'm so sorry." he whispered, "It's my fault..."

"I was so scared." he whispered.  "I thought I was going to die!"

Chrom held him tighter and apologized more. They heard footsteps and Robin pushed him back.

"Captain!" Sumia walked in.

"Oh. Hello, Sumia. What can I do for you?"

"I, uh. I need to speak to you in private."

"Whatever needs to be said, the other Shepherds should know as well. There are no secrets between us."

"No, it's alright. I'll leave." Robin said as he left the tent quickly.

"Captain, about earlier in the bath. You seemed to be so angry."

"Isn't that a normal reaction to being peeked at?" he asked.

"Normally a guy would like to be seen naked by a girl. But you flipped out. I thought after I baked you some would like me."

"Sumia, I don't have any feelings for you..." he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Then surely you like someone. There are a lot of beautiful women here..."

"N-no, actually I don't like any of the girls. I'm not interested in relationships."

She nodded,  but didn't believe him. "I'll make sure you fall for me, Captain..." and walked out.

That was weird.

"Shoot! I should go check on Robin..." he muttered,  leaving his tent.


"S-so," Robin was panting, "Did you really come to check up on me or..."

"I did! But-" Chrom got off of him. "Sorry. Forgot about the crushing you thing." he laughed. "You looked so cute.  I couldn't help myself to you."

"Behave yourself, stupid! You can't just come and stick yourself in me whenever the feeling comes up! What if we get caught?"

"But you don't seem to resist." he added.

"True. It's as much as my fault as it is yours. This is the last time for a while, okay?"

"Fine." he sounded disappointed. "I told the other Shepherds not to bother you tonight. So I think I'll sleep here to keep you safe. You scared me earlier."

"I thought I was drowning, it felt strange. But I'm fine now. We shouldn't risk it..."

"I will stay with you, my love." he laughed and laid next to Robin.

"Let's sleep naked."


"Yeah. I think it'd be-"

Sumia walked in.

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