Chapter 7

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[Andrea ]

I waited for Deon at the food court. I guess today we were supposed to go shopping, then to the movies and the rest was a "surprise ".

I felt strong arms grasp around my waist .

"Finally. I've been waiting like an hour! " I joked.

"It's only been about five. Don't trip. Come on." He said helping me to my feet.

"You look nice. " I said looking him over.

"But you look Even better. " he stared me down seductively.

I blushed and hid my face.

It was something about Deon that drawed me in.

"So. About last night. What was up with you calling my phone being dramaed out? "

He began to laugh.

"That wasn't drama. Ion do drama. But, I just wanted to talk to you before I fell asleep. Sorry If I offended ya nigga."

"Yeah, yea, yea. " I waved him off.

We walked into Tom Ford and I was instantly amazed.

Everything was So.. Pretty. Lavish.

I wasn't used to things of this sort. Whenever I'm in the mall I never even go near places like This.

I halted as he walked on like everything was normal.

Here I was with clothing on from Guess, walking into a highly expensive clothing store, with a man who was about to spend more than I could with six pay checks, and treat it like it was Nothing.

As he sensed that something was wrong, He walked over to me.

"Is something wrong Andrea? " he spoke softly.

"I.. I.. I could never afford this.. " I stammered.
He smiled slightly. "I wouldn't have brought you to the mall if I wasn't going to get you everything you wanted.. with me, you'll never have to reach in you're pursue for anything."

"But I.. don't want you to do that.. I.. I mean, Thanks for you're kind offer, but I don't want to be a burden.. " tears threatened to fall.

"Listen Andrea. I want to do this for you. Allow me to give you everything you want and need, allow me to be you're friend. Let me in man. Look, I'm trying. Shit, this is what friends do, we fit the bill For each other at times. Shit, you hook me up with some number three's, I'll put some diamonds around ya wrist. " he laughed.

I wiped my tears and giggled with him.

"Fine.. Whatever. " I said walking into the store.

About after 20 minutes of browsing I left out with Leather open lace up sandals, and a makeup brush basket filled with over ten brushes. All together added up to about 2,987.

As we walked out of the mall he stopped me.

He grabbed my bags and grabbed my hand.

"Do you trust me? "

"Y-yeah.. wassup? "

"I wanna take you somewhere special. "

"But my car.. " he cut Me off.

"I'll handle that. Just come with me.. "

After a couple more minutes of pleading we were off to "somewhere special "

Deon was showing me a different side of himself. A softer Deon. He truly wasn't how people described him. He was proving me wrong.

The ride went amazing. I learned slot about himself, Vice versa. We goofed around, sang along to songs. I could get used to this.

I could get used to him.

About after an hour of driving we were clearly out of town, we were surrounded by sand and water as far as the eye could see.

There was a beach house in the distance.

"That's where were going " he pointed to the house.

I punched him In the arm and started running.

"Race ya there " I yelled back.

"Not fair! I have this bag in my hand! " he said running after me.

When we entered the beach house I was amazed.

There were lights strung up, it smelled amazing, the furniture was so elegant.

He laid the bags down and smiled At me.

"Beautiful huh? Used to belong to my mother.. this was our get away place from my father. We would spend days here. It's so peaceful " tears welled in his eyes.

From what he told me, his mother passed a couple of months ago.

He grabbed my hand and led me to the master bedroom.

"I went out and bought you a couple of things for tonight. There's that kimono I thought would look stunning on you, then there's a two piece bathing suit, as well as a one piece. I didn't know which one you'd feel comfortable in. "

I hugged him tightly.

"No ones ever did anything remotely close to this For me. Oh my god. Okay, im gonna get dressed. "

He laughed and walked out of the room.

I slipped on the two piece and the kimono.

I walked back into the living room and he stood there smiling.

He grabbed my hand and Led me to the dining room.

His chef came out and placed our food in front of us.

We had lobster corn chowder which was delicious.

Shortly after dinner we found ourselves sitting on the beach conversing.

The sun was setting and the scenery looked amazing.

"Listen.. Deon. I'm perfectly fine with being friends.. but, what.. like what are you're intentions? " I looked deep into his brown eyes.

"My intentions.. are to make you happy. No matter what. We ain't even gotta be on any other level than friendship. I just wanna make you happy, someday meet you're daughter and spoil her too. I just want you're friendship. We ain't even gotta go there if YOU don't want to. "

He pushed my hair behind my ear and smiled.

I cuddled up with him and eventually drifted off. Somehow, I ended up at home.

With a letter beside my bed that read

You truly are a heavy sleeper. I enjoyed my day with you. I needed you today. Thanks. I dropped off all you're clothes in the corner of the room. You're friend let me in.. just incase you were wondering. Anyways. Call Me when you fully wake.


I laughed to myself. Deon was Exactly what I needed at the moment.

Thee next couple of chapters will be just like this one.. I guess you can describe them as long point of views. But I want to really potray Exactly What's going on in Andrea, Kevin , and sienna's lives.

Hopee you enjoy !

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