Chapter 23

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I woke up out of nowhere and attempted to sit up.

I immediately got queasy and tapped Deon.

"What's wrong baby? You good? "

I nod my head no.

Seconds later I felt the need to throw up.
I ran to the bathroom as fast as I could.

I sat in the bathroom throwing up for about twenty minutes while Deon held my hair.

"Bae.. " he whispered.

"Do you think.. you know.. could you be pregnant? "

"No.. I'm on the shot.. "

"You know that don't mean shit bae.. we need to make sure "

I nod my head.

Could I be pregnant? Nah.. impossible.

"So what you wanna do? " I ask.

"Home test? " he asks.

"They barely work.. um. Let's go to the hospital. Cause it might be a bug out something. "

"I bet you pregnant. " he smiles.

"I bet I'm not. " I manage to laugh.

"If you are.. God has answered my prayers.. it'll be just like the dream I had."
"And what happened in your dream? " now I was intrigued.

"Ill tell you if your pregnant. " he kisses my forehead and walks away.

I brush my teeth and throw on some clothes.

I grab yoheaven and drops her off with her father.

When we got to the clinic we were checked in quick.

"So what's going on today? " the doctor asks.

"This morning I woke up and instantly got sick. My boyfriend here thinks I'm pregnant. I personally think I just have a 24 hour bug. "

"Well. Lets figure this out then"

The doctor hands me a cup for the pregnancy test.

About ten minutes later the doctor comes running back in with the test results.

"Well. Mr Deon. You were right. Mrs Andrea your pregnant. Congratulations. "
I sat there in shock.

Deon jumped for joy and hugged me tight.

"We having a baby dre! "

I smile at how happy he was.

Wow.. I'm pregnant.. what a blessing.

"How far along are we? " deon asks.

"Lets find out. "

The doctor lays me back and puts that cold ass gel on my stomach.

She moves all along my belly.

No wonder why I was gaining so much weight..

"Well. You my friend are two months along. "

"Oh my God how?"

"Ha.. I know how. " Deon sat next to me smiling devilishly.

We discussed prenatal care and everything else under the sun in order to keep the baby and me healthy.

"I'm so excited man.. ima be a father to two beautiful kids. Damn man. You don't know how much this means to me " he grabs my hand and kissed it.

"I love you Deon. "

"I love you even more Andrea. "


About a hour later we found ourselves eating breakfast at ihop.

"So. Tell me about this dream. " I smiled.
"Well. Since you wanna know so bad, the dream started out kinda like this, us finding out that you were pregnant, then we got a even bigger house, then I guess I walked in while you and sienna were planning our wedding, I don't know why it was her of all people but.. yeah, then when you we're 7 months pregnant we had a huge extravagant pink themed wedding. "

"Wow.. " I sat there smiling from ear to ear.

"So you dream about me? How sweet. "

"I don't dream about you. I dream about us." He grabbed my hand a kissed it.

"Even better " I leaned across the table and kissed him softly.

"So. What you think we having? " he askes.

"A girl. " I flip my hair.

"That would be a pretty ass lil girl. But I think it's a boy. "

"All I make is pretty babies. " I giggled.

"But it's not a boy. I got a feeling it's not."
"We'll find out in three months. "

"I'm just ready to go shopping. "

"Then let's go. " He looked into my eyes and smiled.

And at that moment I melted.

I knew this was really the man I wanted to spend my eternity with.

I never expected my life to end up like this, But. I love every second of it right about now.

I feel like y'all are reaaalllyyy gonna like the next chapter.

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