Chapter 28

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"Dion, I'm tired of this shit! Our fucking home has gotten broken into twice in the past MONTH! " I yelled.

"Its no longer safe to fucking stay here. I'm sorry but we have to go, it's safer this way, I'll come back whenever things calm down. " I cried.

"No! You don't have to go any fucking where Andrea! We'll pick up and move, sell this house, and lay low for a while! Baby please don't leave me" He threw himself to the floor in front of me and held my legs.

"Baby.. I just can't trust having my daughter here for a second longer is gonna be safe. I'm not worried about you or me, we need to worry about Yoheaven right now. My baby was petrified the last time they broke in"

Whatever deal he made with whomever has obviously went sour.

He hasn't explained much to me about it other than 'motherfuckers stole half of my product, which means no sales, which means half of the percentage I was to give back to Pablo. Now their on my ass. I gotta find out who stole my shit. Then I'll go from there."

I guess when the house was broken into whoever took a large portion of money, and product.

Its been three months since he's been back home and its been hell ever since.

Him and Kevin got into a huge fight and a couple of bones were broken.


(2 weeks ago)

Kevin banged at my front door as hard as he could.

"Let me see my daughter Dre! You wrong as fuck for this! Stop being such a bitch! "

Dion snapped his neck towards the door and ran over quickly.

"I got yo bitch, nigga" Dion yelled.

Before I knew it hands were being thrown.

I closed the door behind me in case Yoheaven woke up to see this shit.

"Stop it dion! " I cried trying to pull him off of Kevin.

"Nah! Fuck that! Go back in the house Dre!" Dion yelled.

"No! Let him go! " I looked down at Kevin's bloody face.

I finally yanked Dion off, but before I pulled him in the house he made sure he broke a couple of Kevin's ribs.

[Flashback Over]

I've been scared as hell staying in this house alone while he's out doing God knows what.

"You can find us at the Beach house when shit calms down okay.. "

I kiss him on the forehead and grabbed my purse.

He trailed after me.

"You call me as soon as you get there Dre. Seriously. "

He kissed me softly.

"I love you Dion. "

"I love you more Andrea. "

As soon as I turned around gunshots rang out.

Pain shot through my shoulder and I fell to the ground.

Dion rushed over to my side and threw his gun down.

"Oh my fucking God baby! Lets get you to the hospital! "

He picked me up and put me in the car.

"I'm so sorry baby im so fucking sorry!" He cried

"I'm okay, just get me there so I can get thus bleeding to stop."

I guess this is what I signed up for.

Hours later I was patched up.

It was only a flesh wound.

I looked over at Dion who had the saddest look on his face.

"I'm not mad at you. But I will be if you don't kill the motherfuckers who did this."

And I left it at that.

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