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|Semi Eita|

"You took my hand, you showed me how

You promised me you'd be around, uh huh

That's right...

I took your words and I believed

In everything you said to me

Yeah huh, that's right..."

Julieta abriu os olhos, retirando o microfone do apoio e indo mais para a borda do palco.

"...If someone said three years from now

You'd be long gone

I'd stand up and punch them out

'Cause they're all wrong

I know better

'Cause you said forever

And ever

Who knew?..."

Ela caminhava pelo palco, espalhando sua presença por todo o lugar. Emoção destoava em sua voz, e atravessava fundo em meu peito. Era uma música sobre perda, sobre saudade, sobre uma promessa quebrada...

"...Remember when we were such fools

And so convinced and just too cool

Oh no, no, no

I wish I could touch you again

I wish I could still call you a friend

I'd give anything...

When someone said: Count your blessings now

'Fore they're long gone

I guess I just didn't know how

I was all wrong

But they knew better

Still you said forever

And ever

Who knew?

Yeah, yeah..."

Ela voltou para o apoio do microfone, segurando com uma mão nele e se apoiando, claramente triste, sendo tomada pela emoção de sua música. Foquei minha atenção no público e vi algumas pessoas secando as lágrimas que rolavam por seus rostos. A voz de Julieta entrando em seus corações, fazendo-os sentir sua perda.

"...I'll keep you locked in my head

Until we meet again

Until we

Until we meet again

And I won't forget you, my friend

What happened?..."

Ela tomou fôlego.

"...If someone said three years from now

You'd be long gone

I'd stand up and punch them out

'Cause they're all wrong and

That last kiss, I'll cherish

Until we meet again

And time makes it harder

I wish I could remember

Diapason (Eita Semi x Leitora)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora