Outerferal (Backstory)

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Gaster's tail twitched as he watched the boy. Having just gave the boy a soul, or a piece of one, he was rather irratic. Twitchy. If things went as he figured they would, the boy would permanently go feral by the age of 5, when most monsters magic came in. Then, Gaster would finally use this opportunity to cure monsters of ferality once and for all. He knew it was cruel, to give life to a child, only for it to be cast into suffering. Hopefully the boy would be the first to become feralless. For now... the boy would be his to raise.


Sans held tight to Gaster's cape. It'd been a great first few years of his life. He'd learned alot from his father figure. He was a budding scientist, great in his math and science classes. Reading was going fairly well as well. It seemed that their wasn't anything he couldn't do. He was a prodigy. It was as simple as that. Sans looked up to his father. "wha's th' sur-face like?" He asked with the pernuciation of a toddler. "The surface? Hm.. well it's bright, not like here, and there is green as far as the eye can see. Grass, trees, bushes. There is water on the surface, and the skies there are blue.. dotted with fluffy white things called clouds- Sans? Are you ok?" Sans was hunched over, groaning. "Sans!?" It was to soon! He crouched next to his son. Sans growled, sky blue slits glowered at Gaster. He snapped forward, falling to the ground as a ping resounded. A sad look entered the older skeletons sockets. "It was way to soon.."


Sans struggled in his bonds as Gaster administered the third dose of determination. He snarls turned to whimpers. He knew it hurt. "I'm sorry Sans.. I know it hurts.. your helping monsters though.. I promise. I'm.." His voice cracked as he fought against tears. "I'm so sorry!" He placed a hand on Sans' head. "You'll get better soon.. I promise.. and when you wake.. you'll have a brother.." He wiped away the tears. "Just like you'd always wanted.."


"Is he even still alive?" A voice asked as Sans slowly came to. He was trying to recall what happened. It came in bits. His dad had been there.. there was pain.. soothing voice.. something about a brother? What'd even happened? "I-if he was dead, he'd b-be dust, Undyne." Who was Undyne? Who was talking? "WHY IS HE EVEN CHAINED HERE? NOBODY COULD HAVE EVER FOUND HIM HERE IF UNDYNE HADN'T KICKED THAT DOOR DOWN." He cringed back. Loud. The last person was loud. "H-he's waking up!" I opened my eyes, everything was surprisingly clear and sharp, to see some blue fish lady with red hair and a shark like tail, a yellow dragon with a blue and white lab coat, and a skeleton with star armor. They all sprang back, the fish summoning a spear as she cried out. "WATCH OUT, HE'S FERAL!" As soon as he saw the weapon he backed into the wall and attempted talking, only for coughs to rack his frame. The hell?! How long has it been!? He thought as his hand went to his chest. "...WHAT WAS THAT..?" The skeleton asked. Sans swallowed thickly, eyeing the weapon. "don't.." He rasped. "F-feral monsters c-cant talk!" The dragon was gaping at him. Feral? Sans closed his sockets and tried to focus. It was way to soon.. your helping monsters though.. I'm so sorry! 'Oh.. dad had done this to me.. to help monsters.. but.. how?' "i..am feral.." He coughed again. He opened his sockets. "the royal s-scientist.. i was supposed to be a... a cure, i guess." He glanced at the chains. "can i get out..? 'm extremely hungry... an' thirsty.."


Sans was wolfing down his third burger. "Damn." Was all Undyne could say. "W-who knows how l-long he's been here.. he said the OLD royal scientist was using him as a cure.. the first feral monster to ever to act rationally. This may just be bigger than the core!"
"nah. nothing beats the core. it was my dad's greatest invention."
"YOU'RE DAD?!" They all chimed. "uh.. yea.. the royal scientist." Alphys' eyes lit up like the stars around us. "The last royal scientist was your dad?" He nodded. "speaking of him.. where is he?"
"NOBODY KNOWS.. HE JUST.. DISAPPEARED WITHOUT A TRACE." Oh. Well, next thing to do.. Sans got up from his seat. "Hey! Where are you going!"
"if m' dad ain't here to do his thing, i don't know what his plan was, and i don't want to be attacked again. 'm gonna carve some runes into those chains and restrict my magic flow. should make me look normal." Alphys' eyes were shining again. "That's brilliant.. er.."
"sans. sans the skeleton."


Sans tucked his chains away as he continued his walk. A lot had changed since he was little, he was still learning how to be and adult, but everything still looked the same. It was comforting. Then something came spiraling down and crashed. He hid away, staying cautious to the crash. Something he'd never seen before came out. It had to be a human. He'd never seen a human before, he was extremely curious about it. He observed for a bit, trying to build up the nerve to greet it, them.. did humans use pronouns? He finally did it when they got to the bridge. "human.. don't ya know how to greet a new pal?" That was how it all began. It met Papyrus, who Sans found out was his brother, Undyne, Alphys, the king. We helped them get us to the surface.. it was everything that his father had said and more. Then.. the resets started happening. It got old pretty quick. When he went to confront Frisk about it.. instead he found a purple, star speckled scarf, in a pile of dust. This was the first genocide. Boy oh boy did Sans give them a rough time. But we all know the end to that song and dance.. at least, until she comes around. [Y/N] [L/N].

To be continued

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