Feralvampire ([Y/N])

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Rumors have been going about that the vampire King was in search of a maid. One such as yourself. So what could you do but start heading to his castle. One could not live in fear of what they couldn't understand. The vampires were trying to live just as much as anyone else. It wasn't their fault that we were their food source. You held cleaning supplies firmly as you walked through the gates and into confirmed castle territory. You'd have to wait a few more hours, the sun was just setting and you were earlier than you expected. Still you knocked, just in case. "bonjour madame, comment puis- je vous aider?" A French monster? "Je suis ici por le poste de femme de menage." You paused. "C'est le bon endroit oui?" He nodded, relieved that you spoke French. (Thanks Google translate). "oui." He replied. "entrez." He led you inside. The castle was nice, not what you'd expected from vampires. But that was stereotyping. You shook the thought out of your head. "Tu es mortel?"
"oui. ils ne peuvent pas me faire de mal. ordres du roi."
"C'est bon je vais commencer." He nodded. "je suis encre au faite."
"Je suis [Y/N]."


You started cleaning after departing from Encre. He was a rather friendly monster, and you assumed that if the vampires weren't allowed to bring him harm, they couldn't harm you either. From the way things were, their was a child here. Fairly easy one to clean after. Perhaps a prince or princess then? You had no clue. You moved from room to room, dusting, mopping, wiping things down, picking up out of place items, etc. As you continued your cleaning spree you were unaware of eyelights watching you. The king was awake and a blushing mess that was trying to recover before you noticed he was there. You were the one. The one he was waiting for. He recovered just in time as you turned around, jumping. "Stars, sorry.. you scared me sir." He hummed. "i wasn't sure if a mortal would actually come.. and you've already started. i'm impressed." You curtsied to the vampire king. "[Y/N] [L/N], sir. At your service."
"fallacy, king of the vimpires." You smiled. "I am under the impression that I'm under the same protection that Encre is under?" Fallacy nodded. "indeed. is he all you met?"
"For now."


You'd soon met the butler, Suave, and the prince, Jasper. You adored the prince. He was just so wonderful. You'd finished up and searched for the king. He, Encre, and Jasper were all on a terrace. "je suis le muilleur."
"je sus le mule-er?"
"Muilleur. Encre was saying I am the best." You corrected the prince lightly. Fallacy sighed. "of course he was- wait you speak french?"
"I can speak many languages. I've worked in many places." You replied simply. His cheekbones turned yellow. "i see.."
"I've finished my duties for the night, majesty."
"fallacy. call me fallacy." Encre looked between you and Fallacy. "Very well, Fallacy."
"il vous aime~" He teased, making you blush. "i'll show you to your quarters, [Y/N]. this way."
"bonne chance~" Encre called after you, making your blush worsen.


"what'd he say? you're a mess."
"N-nothing important, Fallacy." The king hummed and pressed a hand to your temple. "if it wasn't his words, then perhaps you have a fever."
"F-fever? No-"
"you do feel rather warm." He undid his neckerchief and wrapped it around you, making your condition worse. His red and yellow eyelight had a blue slit while the other was red with a yellow slit. To add a cherry on top, he picked you up bridal style and carried you the rest of the way to your room, laying you down and tucking you in. "good night, [Y/N]." Encre had said that Fallacy liked you, and if that wasn't proof, you didn't know what was. You'd only just met him today and yet your soul was pounding. It felt as if you'd known the vampire King all your life? What was this? Magic? Or could this be the love at first sight you'd read about in fairy tales?


You decided to ask. He wasn't sugar coating things and neither were you. He was in his throne, talking to someone. You waited patiently for them to finish before the vampire was dismissed. "yes [Y/N]?"
"I thought you'd want your neckerchief back.. Encre said something interesting, that's why I was a mess last night." He took the neckerchief. "what did he say?"
"That you liked me, Fallacy."
"and that would be true. i've been awaiting you for centuries, now you are here and i will love you until death do us part." He stated, rising from his throne. "you do not have to love me back. you must know though."
"Loved by the vampire King, hm? It will take me longer to get there, but it is something I may be able to try." His fingers brushed against you're cheek. "as long as you're willing."

I think I will leave the rest to you, reader.


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