Feralempire (Backstory)

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Once upon a time, there were two twin brothers...

"Nightmare is not fit to lead the empire!" Nightmare flinched. This was the sixth complaint this week. His own people feared Nightmare, because of his negativity. Dream immediately hugged his elder brother, yellow slit eyes shining with hope. "it's ok, brother! you can show them how good a leader you really are!" Nightmare looked at Dream with similar purple slit eyes. "i don't think i can, dream. my chances are better out there.. where no one knows me.." Nightmare thought a moment. "but you, brother, you can! you've taken the same lessons i have. you can lead the sun empire." He took up his brother's shoulders, being careful of the fabric. "promise?"
"please. i will be ok. we will meet again."
"o-ok.. ok, nightmare. i promise." Dream replied hesitantly. Nightmare hugged his brother close and Dream, of course, returned the hug. "goodbye dream, and best of luck."
"goodbye.. nightmare.." The elder used his tail to tickle the younger. "n-nightma-haha-re! st-hahahap!"
"smile, little brother. you're never fully dressed without one."


For a long time Nightmare lived the life of a nomad. He lived off the land. As time went on, he gained loyal followers. Error, Dust, Killer, Horror, Cross, and Red. With these six at his side, he built the Moon Empire. A place where those who thought they didn't belong, could stay. It'd started rather small, but he'd proven himself an effective leader. He kept his people fed and protected under the banner of the moon. It was two years after his Empire really started to grow that he got a letter. The letter. With the special was seal he recognized as the Sun Empire's seal. He opened the letter immediately. "m-maj-jest-ty? sh-all i re-ad th-the let-ter fir-st? i-t cou-ould be a de-eat-th th-rea-eat of so-me s-so-rt."
"not this one, error. i know it is know threat." Error was a bit protective, but he was a good adviser. Cross made a wonderful head guard. Dust, Killer, and Red made up the rest of his guards. Horror was the Royal chef. Nightmare read over the note.


Deepest greetings,

We of the Sun Empire wish to welcome you as a new power of the world, and wish peace and prosperity upon your people and lands. I am King Dream, and wish for you, the King of the Moon Empire, to come to the town of Newel in three days time to sign a peace contract. I do not wish to be your enemy, but perhaps friends?

Best wishes, Dream

"fetch me some ink and paper." This is what he'd been waiting for. "You seem oddly happy, Lord Nightmare. What was in the letter?" Cross asked. "it's my brother. after all these years, we shall meet again." Nightmare was indeed happy. His tail wagged when Error came with ink, paper, a quill, and some hot wax for him to stamp his seal.


I hope the Sun Empire has treated you well. What happened to the former lord? Is he no more? And the mistress? I will meet you there, Dream. Instead of friends, our kingdoms shall be brothers, this I promise you.

See you then, King of the Moon Empire

With that he folded and placed the note in an envelope, stamping my seal upon it. "give that to our fastest messenger bird."
"y-ye-s s-si-re."


Three days came quickly and Nightmare was on his way to Newel. Newel was a town on the border of the Sun Empire, making it the best place for the Sun to meet a new ruler without showing hostility. Of course, Nightmare would have been just as ok going to the Sun Empire's castle, but this probably made his traveling companions a tad more comfortable. He had Error, Cross, Red, and Dust with him. Killer and Horror would attend matters at home. Finally they made it to Newel Town. A skeleton in green greeted them. "greetings! i am kin. i'll be taking you to lord dream and his company."
"thank you, kin. i am lord nightmare." The group was led to a building in the center of town. There were some skeletons outside. "HELLO! YOU MUST BE THE KING OF THE MOON EMPIRE AND COMPANY! I AM BLUEBERRY, HEAD OF THE ROYAL GUARD! THAT IS INK, OUR LORD'S ADVISOR, AND CLASSIC, A GUARD HERE."
"error, dust, red, cross. stay here and keep them company while i speak with the king."
"at least allow me in, my lord?" Cross asked. "... fine, but only because you'll throw a fit later if i don't."
"i- i would not!" He chased after Nightmare as he went inside.


Dream waited patiently for the King of the Moon Empire. He dearly missed his brother, and wished he could be here to advise him, so imagine his shock, when in came Nightmare, tail held high, crown on his skull, and a handsome skeleton behind him. Dream stood up quickly. "brother!?" Nightmare smiled. "that's king brother to you!" He teased. "told you we'd meet again." Dream's tail was going now, so was Nightmare's. "you're the king of the moon empire?" Nightmare inclined his head. "i am."
"oh my stars, your words in the letter make a lot more sense now.." Nightmare huffed a laugh. "just come here and hug me, brother." So Dream did.

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