Feralhorror (Backstory)

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I was starving long before starvation became popular. Sorry, my attempt at a bad joke. Being chained up and feral, I had no one to feed me, and even when I 'tamed' whatever food was down here didn't last long. I mean, I tried to ration it, I really did, but vending machine food never lasts. When the C.O.R.E shut down, I went out of hiding, to protect my brother. Papyrus, Alphys, and Undyne was at the castle, the former queen Toriel had been overthrown a week prior and King Asgore died in the last attempt to break the barrier. Food was starting to become scarce, monsters were starting to panic. I watched from the camera's in the lab. Something didn't feel right. Something was off. I had to be there. I scanned the room, spotting a fire axe. I didn't actually know if I'd need a weapon, bet it was better safe than sorry. Once I armed myself, I teleported into the shadows, crouched and poised to strike. "W-we need a-a power source t-to jump the C-C.O.R.E." Alphys was saying. "WHERE DO WE GET SOMETHING LIKE THAT?" Papyrus asked innocently. His tail portrayed his true feelings, he was nervous. He felt something was wrong too. "We were thinking.. someone with a lot of power... who can't use it to it's full potential." Undyne summoned a spear. "Someone like you, Papyrus."


I didn't register the pain of the spear as it cracked through my skull and out of my right eye. All I could register was the predatory instinct of my feral nature screaming at me. 'KILL! KILL! KILL! KILL THE THREAT!' I should have. I should have but I stopped my age short. I didn't want to kill Undick in front of Papyrus. I growled lowly, and pulled the spear the rest of the way out of my eye. "remember, you could have died today." She stared in shock, and slight fear. She didn't know who I was, only that I was here and alive some how. Alphys was on the ground bleeding. I took her vision from her. She was lucky that's all I took. I grabbed my bro's hand and he tried to flinch away. I wouldn't let him. I teleported us to his Snowdin home, walking inside and to the bathroom to inspect the damage done. There was a gaping, cracked hole in my skull, my right eye was completely out of commission, and my left was.. reacting strangely. All my magic was now pooling to the left, turning it blue with a small, black slit in the center. How in stars name did I survive that? The determination? Or was it something else? I didn't know. I left the bathroom. It was probably about time to explain who the hell I was and why the hell I helped him.


He was making spaghetti with normal ingredients for one of the last times. He was trying to get things to normalcy. Not wanting to think about his near death experience, their betrayal, and me. I could respect that, but I was going to bring it up again. "ya know.. our world is changing now that the c.o.r.e's down.. and i'm sorry if i scared ya." Papyrus shivered, and faced me. "WHO ARE YOU?"
"sans.. sans the skeleton. i'm here for the soul purpose of protecting you." 'WHY ARE YOU HERE' was going to be his next question, so I answered it early. "WHY ME?"
"because you're my baby brother, and i won't let anything happen to ya. i'm sure you noticed my eyes- eye by now. i'm feral and have been for a very long time. i didn't want to be a threat. but... a threat is just what you need now, to survive this dying world of ours.."
"THIS.. DYING WORLD?" Papyrus asked hesitantly. "we are running out of food, papyrus. we will soon have to resort to... other means to feed ourselves." Aka feed you. Papyrus shivered again. He knew what I meant. He wasn't looking forward to doing such a thing. If it means he gets food though, I'll do whatever it takes.


I don't know when my magic turned red. I didn't really care either. All I knew was my feral instincts were a huge asset to the new world order of eat or be eaten. It got Papyrus fed. At first, I made sure he didn't see what he was actually eating. He was so against cannibalism. When the starvation really hit him though, it no longer mattered. He started setting up traps and such to help me in the hunt. Stars did it help. Other monsters had started taking our approach.. sort of. They started cannibalizing each other since we got all the humans. Sorry, not sorry Papyrus comes first ALWAYS.

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