Feraldust ([Y/N])

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You were trying to hide from Kane when you fell. Soft dusty flowers cushioned your fall. Was it just you or was this place abnormally dusty, geez. There was nothing here, no one in sight as you searched the Ruins. Were they from an old culture? None that you recognized. Did you just find a new ancient civilization? You checked out the house towards the end of the place. Soon you'd ended up- "HOW IS IT SNOWING HERE?!" - in Snowdin's Forest. "Wow.." You looked around the place. If you hadn't known any better, you would have thought you were still on the surface. But you knew better, you knew this wasn't the surface. "Maybe this culture wasn't as ancient as I thought.. that last house had a modern stove and everything.." So if that was the case, what happened to them? "Hello?" Maybe they moved out to renovate? "Is anyone here?" That place was pretty broken up. "I'm not going to hurt anyone!" You promised. The town was deserted, even more dust littered the place. "What is this dust?" It was everywhere. No people, just lots and lots of dust. "M-maybe their just deeper in the system..?" You were starting to doubt that.


Walking through the dark caverns of Waterfall, you thought you felt eyes watching you. Yet nobody was here.. Until something tackled you from the side. You smacked your attacker, hand stinging as it collided with something hard. It growled and sat up, rubbing the spot you'd hit while you scooted away from it. It.. was a skeleton... thing. Red slits glowered at you, one of them circled in blue. It wore a blue and white jacket and black shorts. It had sharp fangs and claws and a tail. It's eyes bore into your own and it seemed to subconsciously draw a hand to it's ribcage, looking more and more confused. Finally it just.. retreated. You rubbed your aching hand, watching it. What was that thing? "What a rude way to greet someone.." You tried for a bit of humor. You sighed and got up without putting to much pressure on your hand. "I hope I didn't break anything.." You mumbled, deciding to search the houses for a brace, food, and a weapon. Maybe some sleep, if the skeleton didn't go after you again.


You left Waterfall the next day, hoping not to run into the cranky monster again. Guess what. You did. You nearly crashed into him, actually. He caught you by the collar of your shirt, before you could fall back. His eyelights twitched up and down your form before leaning in to- wait- you shoved him away, well, tried too. He growled. "First you try to kill me, now you're trying to kiss me?! What the heckers man!" He huffed, whining a little. "I don't understand huffs and growls. Can you speak?" You asked both annoyed and curious. He tilted his head and growled again before turning and retreating again. You weren't sure if you wanted to call him back or not. For all you knew, he'd try to hurt you again. What was wrong with him anyway? Was he unable to speak? What was going through his mind? Did he really think you'd let him kiss you after that introduction? You didn't even know his name. Maybe you were being to harsh? Maybe if he couldn't speak, that was his way of apologizing. Were you going to have to apologize now? You sighed and continued walking.


When you saw him again, it was in a lab. He passed you a piece of paper. It was a file report.

Name: Sans

Age: 7

Gender: Male

Notes: The injections have been so far successful, but there is no change in his condition. Sans is still feral. I hope I can save him before he has to be put down..

"Sans.. is that you?" You asked, looking at him. His tail wagged. "Ok.. so.. your sick?" He tilted his head. "They were going to kill you if you didn't get better?" He looked down. Sometimes I wonder if he can even understand. Maybe that was part of his sickness along with the unable to communicate thing. "I wish you could tell me more about these injections though. If they did help or not.. I'm pretty sure not.." He was looking at you again. "I'll tolerate a hug, but no kissing!" You opened your arms in invention. It took him a moment to recognize the gesture. Hesitantly he stepped up and wrapped his arms around me. He was surprisingly comfortable. "So.. wanna come with me?" He wagged his tail again. "Let's go."


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