Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Something wasn't right. I looked at my claws. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. What happened this time? Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. My skull shot up at the sounds of battle. Was this right? Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Why couldn't I remember?
I am confused. Something isn't right, I know that. Yet this feels normal, the war happening around outside. I've lived with it forever, right? It was the small things though. Things like how I feel like I should be taller and older, but I'm just a kid. I'm only 6. I feel like something should be weighing me down, around my neck and wrists, but there never was anything there in the first place. My magic too. I feel like I should know my magic by now but.. what the stars does yellow circles do compared to blue ones? I headed out of my room. "papyrus?" I called to my brother. "He's down here Sans." That was.. "dad..?" Why am I surprised dad's here? He's always been here.. right? Still I rushed down the steps with renewed vigor. "papyrus! dad!" I stopped at the couch, tilting my skull. Was Papyrus shorter? No, no.. that's always been his height.. "SA'S!" I grinned. "heya pap!"
"Sans.. let me see your eyes.." My eyes? I let him take up my face to look closer. He tensed immediately. "Papyrus. Go upstairs. Now." I tensed as well. "w-what's wrong with my eyes? dad?" Papyrus didn't hesitate to follow dad's order, closing himself up in our room as dad picked me up and held me from a distance. "d-dad.. i'm kinda freaking out here! tell me something!"
"You're going feral, Sans."🕧🕕🕧
Going feral? As in attacking everyone in sight without any control? No wonder he was holding me this way. I stayed quiet. Shouldn't I be feeling something though? A drive to harm? Anxiety at least? But it felt normal, as if I'd been feral all my life, but that wasn't the case. I'm just going feral now.. Dad carried me to the lab and strapped me to a table. "how long will it last?"
"I don't know, a few hours at most. Do you remember being bitten?" I shook my head. "Are you feeling extreme anger or frustration?" I shook my head again. "Anxiety?" He was getting confused himself. I shook my head again. "It should have started by now.. a delayed reaction..?" He muttered. "what does it even look like..? to.. uh.. go feral.." I was curious and weary. Something isn't right. I shouldn't be waisting time here. I need to be doing something, but what? What is wrong? I need to... need to get... free. Tick, Tick, Tick, Tick. I wasn't strapped down anymore. I was in front of the door. Dad was staring where he was, startled. I ran to the bathroom. "Sans wait-" Finally, I could get a look. I peered into the mirror and at my eyes. Simple golden slits stared back. This was.. feral? It seemed.. I don't know.. normal.. to me. I activated my magic, just to see how it was supposed to look. Was that normal? It seemed less familiar. My left socket had taken a golden clock shape, one hand pointing straight up, while the other pointed straight down. I blinked out of it. "weird.."🕕🕧🕕
Dad slammed into the bathroom as I hopped down from the sink. "i don't know what's wrong, but i think my eyes are always going to be like this.. at least until i find out what's wrong."
"What's.. wrong..?" Dad asked. "i can't shake the feeling that something isn't right, i've got to find out what before it finds me." My tail quivered. "What do you expect to find?" Dad asked. "i don't know." I replied, leaving the bathroom. "but i'll know it when i see it." First I had to start looking.

Feralverse Short Stories
Short StoryYep. This is a thing now. Thanks to @PastaGod_Italy, @AbbyIce16, and April_Gianttale for all the aus!