Feralbird (Backstory)

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"i'm not gonna fly! i'm gonna fall!" I looked at the ground from my spot on the cliff. I was scared, my wings had only just fledged. "I won't allow that." The creator assured me. "I will catch you before you get to close to the ground." I was not reassured. My tail tucked itself firmly between my legs. My creator took a different approach. "You will fly, Sans. The instinct in ingrained deep inside our souls." He crouched and turned me to face him so he could place a clawed hand on my chest, where my soul was. "No matter if you were born, or created, it is there. You will fly." He gave me a reassuring smile. "ok.. ok.. i'll fly." I turned back to the cliff and immediately felt my confidence falter. He sighed. "Very well.." Gaster walked to the edge and let himself free fall. "dad!" I peeked over the edge. I couldn't see him. I didn't have the luxury of contemplating the decision. It was save him now, or let him die. I found myself free falling. At first I panicked. Then the instinct took over. "Glad you could join me." Gaster hovered just above him, smirking. "that was a dirty trick!"
"But it worked."


Papyrus and I stood on the roof of our house. He'd just fledged his wings. He looked nervous. "I.." Heh heh. The roles have switched. I crouched beside my bro and turned him to me, making the same gesture our dad had, all those years ago. I found myself copying him, word for word. "you will fly, pap. the instinct is ingrained deep inside our souls." Here is were I broke away, adding my own words. Papyrus didn't need to know our orgins. "you are destined for greatness bro." All of Papyrus' doubt seemed to disappear and he jumped. A farcry from my reaction. He soared, laughing. "YOU WERE RIGHT, SANS! YOU WERE RIGHT! I CAN FLY! NYEH HEH HEH HEH!" I was tempted to join him, but..


My mind kinda went blank as Gaster and I flew around. A different sort of instinct took over. A deep desire to hunt. "Sans?" Gaster asked as I started to circle him. "Sans?" He tried again, hoping I simply hadn't heard him the first time. I snarled and banked in his direction, extending my talons. "Sans!" I caught onto his face, my claws dug into his shoulders. He at least managed to get back to the cliff before his wings gave out. It took alot of time to pull me off and pin me down. "Sans... hold on, this will only sting a moment." He injected me with a sedative and carried me to the lab. After tending to his wounds, he ran tests to find out what was wrong. He didn't like what he saw. Eventually I came to, confirming what his tests showed. "dad..? what happened..why are you hurt?" He sighed deeply. "You.. suffer from a rare condition."
"i do? what is it? are you ok?"
"FIF. Flight Indused Ferality and yes, I'm fine." My wings and tail drooped. "does.. does that mean i can't fly? was.. i the one that hurt you..?"
"You will fly again, Sans. Don't worry about me. Earlier did you call me dad?" He tried changing the subject. I covered my teeth. "...Dad. I rather like that." I smiled. "so.. i can call you dad?" He nodded. "Yes."


"SANS, FLY WITH ME!" Papyrus broke me out of my thoughts. "sorry bro, i'd rather stay here." He went stationary. "A-ARE YOU AFRAID OF FLYING OR SOMETHING?"
"something like that. trust me, it's better this way." I sat down, watching as flew around a bit more. Then he came to the roof. "LET'S GO HAVE LUNCH!" I walked to the edge. "k bro." I took the latter down as Pap flew down.


For the next five or six years dad and I worked on helping me to fly again through the use of human determination. It hurt, but to fly with dad and baby Papyrus someday, it was worth it. "It seems you can drift and glide without going feral now. Wanna try flying?" Dad asked. "how else will we know if we made progress." So on a particularly windy day, we took to the skys. Things went well.. at first. "heh heh. i'm doing it!"
"That you are! Great job!" I faltered as the instinct slammed into me, full force. I had to land and fast. I closed my wings, plunging downward. "Sans!" I didn't dare look back, fearing I'd see him as prey again. I slowly my descent and landed. When I felt I could look back without hurting anyone, dad was gone. "dad? dad?!"


Now here I was, six years later, raising Papyrus. Making macaroni and cheese. "here we go." I dished us some, and gave the albino carrion crow skeleton monster his meal. "THANK YOU SANS!" He dug in happily. It really wasn't so bad, walking or gliding on occasion. So long as Papyrus was safe, that's all that mattered. "you're welcome bro." I started on my own dish.

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