Feralcat (Backstory)

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Frisk knew what they were doing, when they started taking care of the feral cats. One by one the felines warmed up to them, but I wasn't one of them. If cat, I was the only one now. I just didn't trust them. I only stuck around to protect Papyrus. Even now Frisk tried to pet me. They flinched away when I tried to scratch them, hissing. "BROTHER. WHY DON'T YOU LIKE THE HUMAN?" Papyrus asked. "don't trust them. i don't trust humans." I shot a glare at the human. "YEAH.. BUT WHY..?" I sighed and padded a paw next to me. "sit pap. let me tell ya a story."


A much younger Sans, maybe 12 weeks of age, carried a 4 week old Papyrus. He was scared, lost, hungry, alone with no mom or dad in sight. Wet too, as rain started to fall. He felt miserable, but Papyrus came first. He took cover in an alleyway, hiding behind some trashcans. He licked the water from his brother's fur, trying to dry him and keep him that way. Papyrus mewed quietly, scared. "i's ok, bro, i's ok.." He assured. He curled around him to conserve body heat.


A loud rumble shook the sky, scaring Sans awake. Papyrus clung to his wet fur, shivering more out of fear than cold. Sans was the opposite, shivering more due to the cold than fear. He was still afraid though. Afraid for Papyrus. Lightning flashed across the sky. Sans hissed at the sky. Nothing would harm Papyrus, nothing! Footsteps approached and Sans arched his back, fur puffing up to twice his size. He hissed again, this time to the approaching stranger. A woman peeked over. She gasped. Oh my! You poor things.." She reached over, but Sans was determined to keep Papyrus safe. He nearly caught her hand. She flinched back. "Poor things.. poor things.." she disappeared only to return with a towel. "Good thing I still had this in the car from when I left the car windows open last time it rained. She threw the towel on the kittens, both to keep them dry and to keep Sans from scratching her. He struggled to get out of the towel, he was failing. The woman picked them both up. Sans struggled against her. Papyrus snuggled into her, purring.


Sans hid under the couch. Papyrus snuggled up to him. The woman had put food out for them, she did have other cats, but he refused. He didn't need her help. He didn't want to be here. He was scared. Papyrus.. wasn't. He tried to escape to food. "no!"
"HUNG'Y!" Sans paused. When had Papyrus last eaten? When had he last eaten? He was about to agree to let him go, under Sans' supervision of course, but Pap was already gone. Sans panicked, and ran from his hiding spot. He found Papyrus next to the food. Relief flooded him. He curled behind a potted plant, watching from there.


The woman treated Papyrus nicely. She worried for Sans. She'd never seen him near the food bowl. He always hid. He never played with the other cats. Papyrus was friendly, with short white fur, and round orange eyes. Sans was aggressive, with the same short white fur, but his eyes are icy cold blue and always in slits. She wished she could do something to get him to trust her.


Sans wasn't sure about Undyne and Toriel at first. Undyne was rough with Papyrus, yet had never laid a scratch on him. In fact, his bro often wrestled back. They were best friends. Toriel was like a mother to Papyrus. Tried to be a mother to him too, but again, he was unsure. He was sure, however that Papyrus was safe with them.. them and the woman. He crept up to the food dish. He was so hungry. He forced himself to eat slow. He'd get sick otherwise and he couldn't afford that. "So you do eat, little kitten. I was getting worried.." Sans mewed and went back into hiding.


It was a snowy day. There was a tree inside and toys on it that Papyrus liked to play with. This day, the woman called Christmas. It was important to her. Papyrus was important to him. He wanted to make it up to her, for taking care of him. He waited for her to sit down. Then he padded quietly up to her. He meowed for her attention. "Wha..? What is it?" She was startled when Sans jumped up, curling tensely in her lap. He relaxed as she started petting him. It felt.. nice. It wasn't going to last long.


The new human was the opposite of the kind woman. They hurt us. We feared them. Their red eyes and green clothes. We all hid from them. When the couldn't find us.. they turned their knife to the woman. That.. drove Sans of the edge. He attacked the red eyed human with everything he had. They tried to get him, but they continued to miss him as he clawed at them. He went for the throat. They tried to stab him. They stabbed something. Just like the woman, this wasn't a sleep they would ever be waking from.


The four felines traveled as a group since then. Sans, being the most feral, taught them to hunt for themselves, fight, survive. Then they'd come across Frisk and their cats. Toriel fell for a tom named Asgore and had a kit, Asriel. Undyne fell for a queen named Alphys, Papyrus loved the attention the cats gave him. So Sans stayed and dealt with it. He tried to avoid Frisk as not to get attached. He didn't want a repeat of what happened. So he kept himself feral.


"yes. ask toriel. undyne might remember as well." I confirmed, licking a paw and drawing it over my ear.

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