Sugarferal ([Y/N])

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Falling down the hole was a complete accident. You were an ADHD kid, who often got distracted easily and reacted on impulse. So chasing that rabbit up the mountain and through the woods wasn't the best idea.. at all. It landed you here.. at the bottom of a hole. Injured and scared. And being coddled by some goat lady who you couldn't stop asking questions about. You're name was [Y/N]. [Y/N] [L/N]. The goat lady- Toriel! That was her name!- was very nice and gave you a room and food and pie- you loved pie- crap your thoughts were scrambling again. Meditation always helped, if you could calm down long enough. You used to take meds for it, but.. mom took them too.. you took some deep breaths to clear your head. You could control this. It didn't control you, you controlled it. Relax. Calm down.

Knock Knock

You paused in your meditation, concentration broken. You could already feel your excitement creeping in. "Who's there?" You answered. It went silent. The excitement started to die down. Were you going crazy? "Who's there?" You tried again. "says."
"Says who?"
"says me, that's who." You smiled wide and laughed. "That's a good one, mr!"
"thanks.. i'm sans."
"[Y/N] [L/N]!"


You met Sans down at the door on a daily basis. Sometimes you wondered if he had ADHD. Sometimes he seemed just as.. everywhere as you were. You didn't know if monsters could have ADHD, but you didn't see why not. One day you decided you wanted to meet him. You snuck out at night, while Toriel was asleep. You were prepared for the snow, Sans had told me alot about Snowdin. The traps were fun and definitely satisfying to the hyper side of you. Soon you were at some sort of station. You tucked yourself under there tired- for once- and fell asleep rather quickly.


You yelped when a cold hand touched you. You looked up to see a skeleton with a spiderweb and yellow soul on his foreskull. He had animalistic canines, hind limbs, and a tail. White pinpricks acted as his eyes. He inhaled deeply. "[Y/N]?" He asked. You grew visibly excited. Your eyes wide and smile wider. Your feet bounced. "Sans!?" He held a hand out to you. "what're you doing out here?"
"I wanted to meet you, silly!" You took his hand. He pulled you up. "heh. so you're a human, huh?" You nodded. "You know, I'm a skeleton too, I just have a little extra baggage." You mused. He chuckled. His tail wagged happily. "and i'm a human with less baggage." He winked. You laughed. You both talked back and forth for hours as you walked nowhere in particular. "adhd.. you've used that term alot. what's it stand for?" Sans asked with a curious tilt of his head. "Attention Defict Hyperactivity Disorder. I was born with it which is why I excite easily and talk this fast. My thoughts are always a scrambled mess, darting around everywhere, and I can't sit still either. It really sucks.." Sans nodded along to your explanation. "yeah. i get that. i actually get that way when i eat sugary things, so i try to avoid them." Well there went your plans to share your slice of pie with Sans. You didn't want him to be a hyper mess like you always were so. "Alright. I'll keep that in mind!"
"it's getting dark. i'll take ya to Snowd Inn if ya want?"
"Yeah thanks!"


There was only one time you'd seen Sans hyper in the month that you started living in the Underground. Some monster had accidentally given him a sugary drink and he ended up taking you to Waterfall. You'd played a lot of fetch with his sock- don't ask- and sometimes you joined him in running around. You both even swam in the luminous blue waters. He'd gotten out first, saying something about having to read his brother a bedtime story. He said he'd be back once he was done. So you got out to wait. You weren't good at waiting. You'd gotten bored quickly and started messing with the echo flowers. your prettier than a star.. wait what? You touched another echo flower. Than another and another. Soon you'd pieced together an entire message. [Y/N].. your prettier than a star.. as fast as the waterfalls.. as sweet as sugar.. and you can put up with someone like me.. i'd trade going to the surface.. if i could only see your bright smile.. everyday.. [Y/N].. will you be my girlfriend? At the end of it, you were a blushing mess. When Sans did get back, you didn't hesitate to kiss him on his teeth. "Oh my God sans I'm so sorry, I reacted on impulse after that message-" He cut you off with his teeth touching your lips.


A year. You've been dating Sans for a year and you've never felt happier. He helped you to calm down if you got to excited. He had experience with Papyrus. One day he was.. different. He'd locked himself in his room and Papyrus could get him to come out so he called you over.

Knock Knock

A growl in response. That couldn't be good.. "You're supposed to say Who's there.." You murmured nervously. A slam had you jumping away in fear. "Sans?!" Once again on impulse you rushed the door and slammed your way inside. You didn't even know you were that strong. Sans was hunched on the floor growling. The usual spiderweb pattern was normal but the yellow soul had faded to a very dull green. He glowered at you with yellow slit eyes. He was on you before you could react, fear making you freeze like a deer in headlights. Your voice wavered a little as Sans opened his maw. "R-relax. C-calm down. It d-doesn't control you. You control it." His eyes focused on you. "Deep breath in." He inhaled. "Breathe out slowly." He exhaled. He kept doing that as I you repeated your mantra. Relax. Calm down. It doesn't control you, you control it." He was back to normal now. He wrapped his arms around you, crying. "i'm sorry.. i'm so sorry.." You smiled. "Its ok. You're ok. I'm ok. It's all ok."
"how'd you.."
"My mantra for my ADHD. I guess it works after all." You grinned and he gave you a kiss, so grateful to have you as his soul mate.


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