You were scared when you first fell. The first thing you interacted with was a evil, aggressive flower that tried to bite you, of course you were scared. There wasn't any adults you could understand there either so you were both confused and scared. And lost. And alone. Stars you wanted to cry now. This was supposed to be a camping trip with your parents, not die in a hole trip with real monsters. Still, you stayed determined, pushing on until you made it to a house. Surprise, surprise there was no adults inside. Going down the stairs, you met a heavy obstacle. You couldn't push it open. You tried and tried and continued to try but you weren't strong enough. Your lip trembled as you started to lose determination. Until finally you broke down into a sobbing mess. You were just so lost. Scared. Alone. Your back pressed against the door. "hey.. what's wrong?"
"I-I'm lost.." Was your shaky reply. "... hi lost, i'm sans." Despite the situation you snorted. "knock knock." He knocked on the door. "Who's there?"
"boo." You were smiling a little now, crying less. You knew this one. "Boohoo."
"don't cry, it's just a joke." You were giggling now. "one more, one more. why'd the skeleton make a friend?"
"because he was bonely." You burst into laughter.🔉🔉🔉
After you calmed down, he spoke again. "seriously, what's with the waterworks?"
"I'm stuck, I can't get out." He chuckled. "easy peasy. i'll have you out in no time." You backed away to let him do whatever. First the door creaked, opening just a crack. Then something shoved it's muzzle through. You watched in amazement as floating animal heads forced it open the rest of the way. Standing in the doorway was a skeleton with animalistic features. "there. no longer stuck. come on out. You rushed to the skeleton, giving him a tight hug. "Thank you! Thank you for freeing me." He chuckled nervously, a yellow blush dusting his cheeks. "y-you're welcome.." He tried to snap himself out of it. "uh. i'm sans, as i said earlier. can i have your name?" You grinned. "Sure." You wrote your name in the snow, picked the pile of snow up, and gave it to him. He looked shocked at first before busting out laughing. "n-nice one." You had started laughing yourself. "I'm [Y/N]."
"nice to meet ya, i believe we'll get along great."🔉🔉🔉
You met Sans brother, Papyrus, and his friends Asgore, Toriel, Undyne, Alphys, and Mettaton. They were all nice to you and Sans and Papyrus let you sleep on their couch since you were lost. Sans didn't stay at the house with you and Papyrus though, he always went somewhere else. Papyrus said it was because Sans was sick and was treated during the night. Sans never seemed sick to you. You did find the chains he wore strange. You asked about them, but he'd changed the subject to something you were into, completely forgetting the question until the next day. It seemed to be a subject he didn't want to talk about. You were curious though, so you asked where he usually goes. Everyone of his friends answered Hotland. So that's exactly where you went.
You stood in front of the lab. This had to be it. Where else would anyone go if they were sick? The doors slid open with ease and when you couldn't find him around the main floor, you took the elevator to the next. You started to explore this area as well, until you heard a crash. "Sans!?" You ran to help, thinking that he got hurt. He was struggling in another skeletons grip, the skeleton trying to inject him with the liquid. "Let him go!" Confused, naive you, rushed the scientist and pushed him, allowing Sans to escape. "Look what you've done! You're going to get yourself killed, can't you see he's feral?!" The scientist snapped. Feral? You'd heard the others talk about this before. It was bad. You turned slowly to Sans who was crouched and growling. "S-sans..?" The growl died. "[Y-Y/N]..?" He was confused. "what are you doing here?"
"Checking up on you, dummy." You both laughed.~Fín~

Feralverse Short Stories
Historia CortaYep. This is a thing now. Thanks to @PastaGod_Italy, @AbbyIce16, and April_Gianttale for all the aus!