Outerferal ([Y/N])

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It was supposed to be Frisk that went to space, not you. Something had happened though, you didn't know what, but here you were, inside the craft and awaiting take off. Something was going to happen, you knew it, you'd never realize just how much it would be for the better.


You stumbled out of the crash site. You were surprised you didn't get hurt worse. You limped along through the place, admiring the space around you. Space was just as beautiful here, if not more so, than on Earth. That's when you spotted it. A star, different from all the rest. What was weird was that it looked like it had a face. "Hi!"
"Holy crap!" It did have a face. It just said something to you. "Talk again?" You asked. The star looked annoyed. "I'm Twinkly. Twinkly the star. Your new around here, aren't ya?" You nodded, completely fascinated. "Well I guess I'll have to show you what it's like around here.. cause out of this world, IT'S KILL OR BE KILLED!!" He snarled at the end, projectiles going straight at you. "Oh sh-" Fire struck the star and he was knocked away. "Oh that feral creature.. harming such an innocent youth.. are you alright?" You had so many questions. What was that star? How'd it have a face? Were these guys aliens? How'd fire work, if there's no oxygen in space? How were you breathing without your helmet on?! What was going on!? You kinda just started forward in a daze. "My child? Oh dear, did that monster bite you? Are you ok?" The goat followed in a worried manner. "ALLOW ME to take you home. Can you here me?" Nope, you weren't dealing with this. It was to crazy. Was it weird that you were just as curious though? Seriously. A whole other species, here on the moon. And what was that stuff about getting bit? Does it kill? If that was the case, you'd have to be more careful about these.. 'monsters'.


You spent the night at Toriel's. Or at least, that's what she called herself. Eventually you had to continue on. You spared monsters, even the ones that tried to bite you. Eventually you came across a bridge. "Ya know.. they don't seem to much more different then us.."
"who ya talkin to?" You jumped and turned around. He looked confused. You were fascinated. "So cool! A living skeleton! Well.. I guess not wholly a human one with the tail and stuff, but still cool!"
"uh.. thanks?" His tail twitched a little. "I'm [Y/N]. [Y/N] [L/N]. A human." You held your hand out to him. "Sans.. Sans the skeleton." He took it only for a farting sound to emit. You went dead silent. As did he, watching closely and tensing as each second passed. Finally you burst, doubling over with laughter as the animalistic space monster heave a sigh of relief. "ol' whoopee cushion in the hand trick, works every time."
"Oh- oh my- gets me- every time- love it-" you managed between laughter and trying to breathe. "you ok there?" He chuckled. He wasn't that funny.. was he? "You are my favorite person so far." Sky blue adorned his cheeks. "th-thanks.."


It's been a few weeks now. You'd met Papyrus, Undyne, Grillby, Alphys, Muffet, etc. Sans remained your favorite. There was something about the monster. The way he spoke. The way he acted around others. Almost childish, yet not. He reacted to people in a weary fashion. He acted more.. feral than other monsters. He senses were stronger, his instincts were stronger. Instead of scaring you, it fascinated you. He seemed to enjoy your company as well, you often watched for shooting stars in Aurorafall. You both enjoyed the beautiful colors. "how's it goin."
"Good. You?"
"mm better."
"Well that's good." A gentle blush crept along your features. Better? Was it because you were around or- no, no your overthinking things again. He was staring. "Sans..?" His eyes went to yours. "sorry. musta zoned out." He cleared his nonexistent throat. "y-ya know.. your eyes, uh, shine bright th-than the sun.." He was avoiding eye contact now. A blush dusting his cheekbones. You were blushing too. Did he seriously.. "never mind!"
"W-wait!" But he was gone. "Sans wait!" You ran, hoping to find him in Stardin.


He been avoiding you for the last month. You tried and tried to talk to him about that day, but he always teleported away. You knew the rules of this world of theirs now. You get bit, you die. Monsters who get be go feral. It usually showed in their eyes. Their pupils go into slits. They are typically incapable of using magic, or didn't have the rational mind to. You sighed. Maybe.. maybe if you couldn't get to him.. he'd come to you?


You gulped. Standing at the edge of the cliff. What if he didn't catch you? Were you seriously insane enough to jump? Worst case, you floated off, never to be seen again. You swallowed again and took a step forward. Arms wrapped around you. "don't."
"Why are you avoiding me?"
"Sans.. please. You really think I'd be stupid enough to actually jump? I just wanted to talk to you, and understand. This was the only way I could think of.."
"... i was going through some stuff.. it was.. er.. my breeding season. didn't want ya involved."
"Oh. Well.. s-sorry.." You felt pretty embarrassed now and he pulled you away from the edge. "all monsters have a month during the year.. every three to five years. when a monster is around his soul mate around his or her month, they can start early. that's why i took off so fast. that's why i avoided ya."
"So.. I'm your soul mate?" He blushed and nodded. "Well.. let's try it out then.. uh.. will you be my boyfriend?" He grinned. "yeah. sure."


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