Sadly, I Cannot....

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I want to say I hate this day, but sadly I cannot.
Though I wish to say it doesn't pain me to see all these couples, lovey dicey with hearts for eyes, sadly I cannot.
I want to say I don't die a little inside when I see these same people kiss, sadly I cannot.
I want to hold your hand, kiss your cheek, and hold you close, sadly I cannot.
I would like to think that I will not cry in envy, that I will not fall asleep tonight with red and filmy eyes, sadly I cannot.
I hope to know that I am stronger, stronger than I was last year, sadly I do not.
I have to say I am doing fine, it's okay for you to ditch me for your Valentine today, sadly it is not.
I think that I will be happier now, there's no one to see me break, sadly I am not.
I drink this glass of whiskey, sadly I do not.
I wish to say that I do not miss you, that you never hurt me. I wish to say that today doesn't remind me of all the pain he caused me....
Sadly I cannot.

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