Wedding Bells

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Wedding Bells

The love I have for you,
Is solid and strong;
Never ending, always reborn.

Our love is like a mountain,
Tall and through the clouds;
Sometimes it rains fluffy, white snow;
Other times it's hail;
Large, stormy and unclear.

Yes, we have our ups and downs,
But that's what makes us true;
What kind of livers would we be;
If we did not disagree occasionally?

We will always be,
For I will never, willingly;
Let you go;
You are mine to keep;
Forever to have.

There's no escaping the truth,
You can not run away from what we have;
That'll only cause us both harm.

So take my hand and stay with me,
We will dance the dance of forever;
Surrounded by witnesses all around;
I wear your ring and you wear mine;
Now everyone will know....

You belong to me,
And I you.

Wedding Bells by KittenLovesEmos

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