Sing, Song, Voices

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Sing, Song, Voices

Take my hand
As we sing this song
Forever and always
Our voices shall ring
If you hear our cry
There's nothing to fear
For your ears are safe
Your kind intact
Take someone's hand
Save their soul
For the time is near....

If you hear this tune
You are safe
Still link hands,
Remain in place

They'll say you're crazy
Stuck in la-la land?
They'll ask if you hear voices
They think you're insane
You'll utter a boisterous laugh
And call them inane

When the time comes
Remember your vow
The one you said
Then dipped down to bow
If you can't recollect
Allow me to demonstrate
Here's the glorious speech
We all had to adorn

'I hereby swear to

Cherish this gift

Until the day I no linger live.

Who's ever hand that I

May hold, I promise

That I will never let them

Go. If that day shall

Ever pass, I

Promise my soul will

Never last....'

So now you see,
why you must stay?
No worries love,
we'll be friends
'til all is decayed.
But that is a ways away,
So you are safe
Yet, we must still link hands
And still remain with me,
Forever in place....

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