Longer Than A Potato Chip

27 3 4

"We will always stay together, nothing will ever tear us apart...."

You told me this lie

But I was stupid and believed in you

That day sealed my fate

It ended any other questions I might've had

Truth be told I blinded by our friendship

Hoping that we would last longer than a potato chip

You have me security in an unstable place

You only managed to wipe the smile off my face

You weren't supportive

Only judgmental and authoritive

You fed me lie after lie

Even treated me like a spy

Abusive you were

Abusive you stayed

You lowered my standards

Made me feel less than good enough

I felt unloved by all

Low & behold it was you who made me fall

I never considered leaving

Only staying and doing my own cleansing

My heart was cold and rigid

Nothing was saved, not even my spirit

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