Broken Stars (Inspired by Green Day's I Walk Alone)

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The life I live is a complicated one

Twists and turns bound across the pass

The thing I am differs from who I am

Everything I do makes sense to none but me

Whatever we see we hide in fear

We are all blind and cannot hear

We cannot bear the truth so we make new ones

No matter the name we are all shrouded in sorrow

We pretend and pretend

We hope for new outcomes but do not change our ways

I hope for something, anything new

Yet all that comes is sadness

Here we are wishing on broken stars

We're covered in blood and broken hearts

The pile gets bigger and bigger

Yet, we can't refrain from old ways

We can't change

I won't change

I wish someone could see

The inside of me, but for now....

I mustn't forget

I walk alone....always alone

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