We All Want The Same Thing

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We All Want The Same Thing

Nothing is ever absolute, only diluted guesstimations based in biased thoughts.

When the world is falling apart and there are no friendly faces to be seen, we'll only have each other to fear....

The places we call home are only temporary, never permanently stationed in concrete.

That girl you thought was beneath you, might be your only true friend somewhere towards the end.

That boy you wanted to beat up for sticking up for himself when you thought it would be okay to harass him without a second thought, could be the only friend you'll ever see again.

We all go through an internal battle, demanding things of ourselves that are impossible to achieve

We all struggle to maintain that perfect image of unblemished perfection at its saddest.

We all feel the same way about certain things.

If we ever stopped to realize how similar we all are, then maybe we'd finally see that we all fight the same proverbial war.

Inside and out, we're all alike in some way or another, but we fail to see

If we all just stuck up for each other, then the world wouldn't be filled with the ugly truth of honest grief

If everyone realized how many of us want the same goal, then maybe, just maybe....We could all live in a place filled with absolute harmony.

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