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Scornful sneers came and went

Leaving me laying on the ground spent

My breathing is labored

The pain shooting through me never wavers

My wrists bleed continuously,

But I continue to cut profusely

The pain of the blade

Is better than the pain in my heart

As Three Days Grace sang,

"Pain without love, pain I can't get enough pain....I like it rough 'cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all...."

Pain keeps me alive,

But never buries the strife

I feel numb to the bone

Like the disobedient kid wearing a cone

Their mockery makes me feel alive

Almost as if I was dead six feet under

I welcome the thought of death

If it will relieve me of your hate

I don't understand your hatred for me

Maybe it was something I did,

Something I said

I beg for your mercy,

But you show me none

You say it's to teach me a lesson

But we all know you're no nun

They encourage you, egg you on

You beat me senseless 'til my breath is gone

I lay there dead, long gone

You stop to pause

Thinking o what you've just done

Then you run

For you have no time for jail, you are done

The guilt eats you alive, but

You and your friends stay as quiet as mice

No one says a word

For that will only start another strife

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