Another Romeo & Juliet

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We were forbidden,

Which meant we had to stay hidden

For you loved me so and I, you

But everyone else said we could never do

They tore us away from each other

It was like we were as light as feathers

I wanted you so bad

So much so it was almost too sad

So I chose the route of magical fruit

Hoping this wouldn't end in a tragedy

The fruit I ate and down I sank

'Til I pretended to be no more

You were supposed to be informed

But things happened

And you missed this crucial transaction

You got misinformed

Now you're crying over my body

You told me you were so deeply sorry

I began to twitch

As you took a knife from your stitch

I watched in horror

You took your life and down you went

I awoke with a shock

Seeing you laid across my smock

I cried and cried

Maybe there was another way

We could survive

I took your knife and ended my life

For now, we would be together

Not temporarily, but now

For forever....

(A/N: yesh I am aware that Romeo drank a poisons and didn't swallow a poison, but I don't want to change it after I realized my mistake. You know it rhymed so well, but anyways, hope you liked slight change)

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