I Am....Endless

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(Poem #1) - I Am....Endless

I am the blood delicately streaming down your pale white wrist. The beautiful flow of liquid glistening against your skin, never to be mistaken for a gorgeous fate at the beginning of your bittersweet end.

I am the silence stretching through the space swallowing you whole. You lay there on the ground in tattered clothing, shaking and shivering like a newborn calf, maybe this time the masked man won't come back for sloppy seconds.

I am the tears streaming down your blotchy face, passing over newborn bruises dotted across your bloated cheeks. You swear that he'll never find you again, only to jump ten feet high at the first ominous knock of someone banging at your unhinged front door.

I am the hand print smeared onto the window by your bedside table. You call the cops, stake your claim and cry your plight. When they arrive it has been more than just a little too late, you are dead and gone, long since escaped this cruel world.

I am....endless.


I Am....Endless by: KittenLovesEmos


8:18 am

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