"It's Just Not The Same"

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It's Just Not The Same

Tell me you love me

Say you you'll stay

I don't want you to leave

Please don't go

You tell me it's for the best,

But it feels like the worst

I always thought this day would come but I always hope it would stay away

You are my love, my life

We swore together we would stay

Now here we are, moving away

Perfect is what they said we were

"Together they'll always stay."

Gazing at us like a wall of art

You kissed my cheek and told me you loved me

Here you do the same, only you say,

"It's just not the same."

I try my best to hide the tears,

But they cascade down my face, displaying my fears

You don't comfort me, instead you turn away

Leaving me to drown in self-pity

Hate is what I should feel for you,

But I refuse to stoop so low

Unlike you

The waves are killing me slowly,

Begging me to crawl lowly

They say we were too good to be true,

Too bad you misunderstand

They meant the good ways, never the bad

You needed a reason to escape,

That was the perfect excuse,

Now here we are....

You kissing my cheek and mumbling,

"It's just not the same...."

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