They May Never Remember My Name

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They May Never Remember My Name

"I wish I, was strong lift, not one, but boooth of us...."

I wish I was strong enough to take you down and hold me up. To stand up for myself and be like everybody else.

I hate myself in a way I can't ever explain, it's almost like an endless, sunless rain. Acid rain.

Acid rain that smothers me half to death, helps me remember that these people may never remember my name.

As much as that hurts, this is something I cannot ever change.

I hate the feelings that they make grow within my tightened gut, but can't be helped. So as they sit around me, laughing and joking yet ignoring my presence....I'll sit here and continue to think.

'Though y'all may never remember my name....can you at least tell me; what did I do, that was ever so wrong, to the lot of you?'


They May Never Remember My Name

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