Missing Puzzle Piece

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Missing Puzzle Piece

The pain I feel when I bleed is nothing compared to how I feel since you've been gone.

You are the only reason I'm still alive, 'causing me joy when most of the time I only wish to cry

The hurt I feel each day you're gone, is like slowly dying and wasting away, knowing the ones you love will never know if whether or not you're still alive

Pain is what I've grown accustomed to over the months, but it seems that I can't bear the pain of you leaving....the thought of you never coming back


Love is all I feel for you, you are what makes my sky oh so very light blue

You are my other half, the only one who can make me truly laugh....the only one I've ever truly wanted to have

The world is cold and empty without you, leaving a great senseless jar filled with nothingness

You are the peanut to my butter, the grape to my jelly. You are the sun to my clouds, the moon to my stars.

When you left, a part of me left with you. You left me feeling like nothing. Honestly, I don't mind, I just wish you'd come back for me

A piece of my heart is missing, never to return without you. The smile on my face will forever be fake and rehearsed.

Only with you will it ever be genuine and true....my body feels useless without you, I'm missing a part of me, you've got to feel it too

You are my missing link....my missing cupcake puzzle piece

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