My Vision

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(Ren POV)

Saki seems just like Toga. Not that I know much about Toga other than from what I heard and from when I fought her. 

"Hey hey! Let's go somewhere tomorrow!" She suggests cheerfully, "I wanna go outside! It was so cramped in that little cell!"

"It was your fault that you got in the cell in the first place," Tobi sighs.

"It wasn't my fault!" Saki replies defensively, "It was my opponent's fault... What's his name again... oh yeah! Asashi! It was Asashi's fault!" She announced. "It was his fault, not mine!"

"She's got a point..." I mutter. We're back at Takamatstu's "hideout" and waiting for him to give our report.

"Welcome back!" He applauds, walking into the room. "I see it was a success! Welcome back Subject #004!" (A/N a reminder, subject #004 is Saki)

Saki lets out a cheerful and sadistic smile. "Glad to be home, sir!" She agrees.

"The breakout went smoothly, though one person saw us, he was knocked unconscious," Tobi reports.

"Oh?" Takamatsu raises an eyebrow, "I would think Subject #000 would've ended him immediately?"

"She almost did," Ichika answers swiftly. "But we stopped her, no reason to make messy, plus, our faces were covered, not that the guard could've seen them anyway," Ichika finishes.

Takamatsu nods and dismisses everyone. I turn to leave when,

"Subject #003, please stay for a moment"

Uh oh.

I turn to face Takamatstu as the rest leave behind me.

"I wanted to introduce you to... my vision..." He explains, "The other's already know of this, you see every one of your comrades... Were all born quirkless..." He reveals.

My eyes widen in surprise. "But... I've seen Tobi and Zero in action, they're not using any gear,"

"I said born quirkless" Takamatsu continues, "You know the story of the number one hero Deku right? He was formally quirkless before getting One For All passed down to him, but before that, he was discriminated against. It was only out of sheer luck that he caught All Might's attention and became a hero. However, there are many people like him, people who are quirkless, they're never given a chance. They'll never achieve their dreams. They can even hope to compete against people with quirks." Takamatsu sighs. "But I plan to change that. You see, after cooperating with the League of Villains and studying All For One. I came across a breakthrough." He smiled.

"What happened?" I asked nervously.

"Do you know the villain Overhaul?" He asked. I nodded. "Overhaul tried creating equality by erasing all quirks. I, however, will create equality by giving everyone quirks!" He expressed.

"And your comrades are fruits of my creation! They were all quirkless before! And now they have the deadliest of quirks!" He exclaimed. "I have created artificial quirks!"

"So why were you so interested in me? I was born with a natural quirk," I ask.

"It's because your quirk is natural is why I'm so interested," Takamatsu replied, "Do you know the hero 'Shoto Todoroki'? His parents had to try multiple times to get both ice and fire to come together perfectly. Yet you... not only are parents quirks somehow a perfect match, but the quirks of your parents came into you perfectly!" He eyed me curiously. "I wish to see what your amazing two-in-one quirk can do, since the quirks match so well you most definitely can do things that your parents just can't! Absorb electricity at a massive rate, connect to and hack electronic devices..." Suddenly Takamatsu's face lit up. "You might even be able to call lightning down from the skies..." He smiled. "You'd really be Raiden the thunder god then."

I gulp as I realize that I'm a living lightning rod.

(Time skip)

I gasp as Tobi throws me over again. "Knowing the basics of fighting isn't nearly enough, I know that usually, the fight is over the moment you touch someone cause of your electricity, but that won't always be the case," He explains.

"Yep... ok..." I groan as I get up. He's stronger than he looks, and he looks strong...

"Y'know what, why to try fighting someone a little smaller," Tobi suggests, "like umm" He looks around for the others but Ichika and Saki have left, meaning Zero's the only other person.

I see a smug smile on Tobi's face when he calls her over, asking her to spar with me. His smile turns into a snicker when she agrees.

"Good luck man, just do your best, ok?" He pats me on the shoulder,

"W-wait! What's going on!" I ask him before turning to face Zero.

"Aaand... Begin!" Tobi starts.

I blink and at that moment I'm on the ground screaming in pain as Zero pins me to the ground. Tobi starts laughing as I get back up. Jesus christ Zero's stronger than Tobi...

"Let's go again!" I challenge Zero. Same thing happens. 

"Gonna try again?" Tobi laughs as I get back up.

I admire shounen protagonist... but I know when to quit. I shake my head as I go back to my room in pain.


"I know! Let's go to a carnival!!" Saki exclaims. Still insisting that we all go somehwere. "I know a really good place! They've got this really fun ride!" She cheers.

Ichika shrugs. "Sure, got nothing better to do,"

"I'll come, might as well have some fun from time to time," He looks towards me, "You?"

"Sure," I shrug. 

Saki smiles and looks towards Zero. "Hey! You should come to!" She waves.

"Is it neccesary?" Zero asks. Her blank blank eyes still scare me.

"You should go Subject #000," Takamatsu says, suddenly appearing behind us. "You don't enough time outside, which in very neccesary," He concludes.

"Yes sir," Zero nods.

Saki jumps into the air happily. "Alright then! Let's go now!" She smiles, dragging me and Ichika with Zero and Tobi following from behind.

Ok so there's Takamatsu, the main villain of this arc, goal. Any predictions on what might happen? (btw I've already got the whole arc planned out so yeah)


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