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Happy new year! (I started writing this on new years eve, school works been slowing me down)

(Deku POV)

"They're progressing really fast aren't they?" I said, as Ochaco showed me the reports on the Class 1A students, "I wonder how strong they are compared to us when we were their age?" I mused.

"Well, that depends on a lot of things, after all, each of the students is at different levels of experience, especially since some have been more... involved with us recently," Ochaco answered. I sighed, "I wish I could be involved in helping them grow... I bet all the parents are... but even if we set up an event to teach them, the kids would probably just end up being embarrassed..." I said, thinking of what Suguha's reaction would be if I suddenly walked into the classroom.

Suddenly Ochaco's face lit up, "Maybe we fight them!" She suddenly said before quickly explaining herself. "I mean, like how we were tested when we fought our teachers! Remember? We can do that!" She suggested, "I'm sure Mr. Aizawa wouldn't mind! The student's combat exam is coming up anyway!" She smiled.

I watch her face light up like how she was when we were younger. I think I'll have to clear up my schedule a bit...

(Yuuki POV)

Life, since we learned that Ren was in a coma, has been... a mystery to say the least. First Ren just disappears without any warning and the teachers say he has things to deal with and excuse him. Then, a week later, he comes back, in a coma. And strangest of all, in his place comes this quiet emo girl named Zero with no last name.

She's really quiet and anti-social. I want to get closer to her but I don't have anything to start a conversation with other than, "Hi!"

But one thing we do know about her is that she's an insanely good fighter, she passed the entrance exam with a record-breaking score and that says a lot! 

However, she's not allowed to use her quirk so no one knows what it is. But that ends today because now, I'm gonna ask her to join us!

"Hey, Zero!" I call her after class, "Can I ask you something?" Zero hesitates but then nods.

"Do you wanna join me for some quirk training? I booked a training room!" I ask,

"I don't know... I don't think I'm allowed to," She replies, refusing to meet my eyes. Her hands hover over a wristband on her other arm.

"What's that?" I ask pointing to the band. It kinda looks like one of those things they put on criminals when they're under house arrest.

"It's nothing," Zero quickly replies. "I have to go now," She quickly excuses herself and walks off.

She seems shy? No... she didn't have any stutter or anything... why is she avoiding us?


With or without Zero, I was still gonna do some extra training on my quirk anyways. I need to catch up with everyone else. I think to myself, determined. "Kirishima-san!" I suddenly hear from behind me. Zero makes her way over to me. "Is it ok... if I train with you?" She asks.

"Yes!" I cheer, overreacting a little. We enter the changing room together, "I never saw your locker, do you have a hero costume?" I ask. Zero shakes her head.

"I use the gym uniforms, and I usually train elsewhere," She explains. I open up my locker to grab my hero costume. "Oh yeah, you see our classmate's costumes too, they made the lockers see-through," I said, as I walked into the changing room. (The lockers and the changing rooms are in different rooms here) 

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