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Isabela Sienna Azalea Ferrari


Dark brownish hair

Fair skinned

Beautiful dark brown eyes

Way to smart for her own good.

She's kind of a badass but we won't be getting into that yet.

Nicknames: Isa, bela, bells, ella.

Behind the fear, the pain and all the scars is a beautiful soul waiting to be saved.

Kidnapped by her so called "mom" when she was 6, abused for the past ten years. What happens when she is reunited with her family? Will she let them in? Or will she keep them behind close doors?

Let's find out shall we?

Giovanni Dominic Ferrari

Ex Ruthless Don of the American mafia


Dark brownish hair

Has dark chocolate brown eyes

For him family is everything. He was completely shattered when his babygirl was taken from him. Hell broke loose when his bambina was snatched from him. Him along with his father, brothers and sons went on a fucking rampage and alot of blood was shed but still couldn't find their little one. 10 years later the family isn't the same without her anymore. He hasn't smiled or laughed in a really long time. He buries himself in work and is barely ever at home. But he always makes sure he spends time with his sons and family as well. He tries to keep himself strong for his sons.
Alejandro Maximo Ferrari


Current American Don

Giovanni's Oldest son

Couldn't handle his sister disappearance turned to stone and has no mercy. Feared by everyone in such a way that no one dares to lay a hand on his family. He was the closest to Isa they always spend time together he loved her immensely and adored his sister so much. Her smile could brighten up his whole day. Whenever she got in trouble she'd always come to him for help. She was the peacemaker whenever he and his brothers fought. She was the glue of the family. She held them together. Her kidnapping absolutely destroyed him. He missed his princesà everyday for the past 10 years. With hope that one day we will find her.

Alexander Guzman Ferrari


Alejandro's Second in command

Giovanni's Second oldest son

Nicknames:Alex, Xander,

Alexander was one of the family members that were deeply hurt when they lost their princesà.She was his everything his sparkling light in the darkness but when she disappeared the light left with her and now they're all left in the dark. He couldn't bare the pain of losing his sister and has tried everything to find her.10 years passed and he still hasn't lost hope even though all the leads found, always led to a dead end.


Elijah Giovanni Ferrari/Ezekiel Damien Ferrari



Giovanni's third oldest sons

Nicknames: Eli, lijah, bubba

Eze, Zekiel, Zeke

Is a doctor with his own firm very well known but only ever works in his base in the mafia. He buried himself into work when she disappeared. He became a work-aholic and is always in the base doing some doctor shit. Is kinda the softie of the house him along with Lorenzo. Elijah is the exact opposite of his twin ,Ezekiel is one of the best fighters in the mafia he didn't know how to handle his pain of losing his princesà and chose to suppress it soon that pain changed to anger. He is the violent twin. Spends most of his time in the Gym.


Lorenzo Hernando Ferrari


Fifth oldest

Nicknames:Enzy, Enzo,lorenz, mama-bear

Took the role of the mom after she left, he practically babies his siblings and scolds them alot too. He is always a shoulder to cry on for his siblings. He has a cooking talent but doesn't really like to show off as much. He tries to lighten up the mood sometimes and tries his best to make sure everyone's alright while deep down he is drowning with so many emotions. With only one question running around his mind "Is their principessa okay?"

Matteo Ronaldo Ferrari



Nicknames: Matty, Teo


Spends most of the time doing underground fights. Short tempered mostly, grumpy half of the time. Loves his family dearly. Rebelious but respects his father and older brothers nonetheless. He loved his sister the most and absolutely adored her she was his sanity. Her disappearance took a toll on him as his sister was the only thing keeping him sane.


Ace Santiago Ferrari



Scary as fuck, barely ever speaks, keeps himself isolated , always in his room, has a blank stare, Losing his bambina was the worst thing that could ever happen to him, his mind drives him crazy, he can't bare not being able to hear her giggles fill the house or her beautiful vibrant dark brown eyes that scream joy and happiness or that smile that his heart absolutely loved. Will he ever get his bambina back?


Diego Armando Ferrari



Nicknames: Deo

Doesn't really remember Isa, but knows how important she was to his family and to him, he was Isa's best friend they always played together and laughed together, they were always up to mischief and loved causing chaos together they were inseparable it was impossible to keep them apart but what happens when "they" finally succeeded in separating the two. 10 years of missing the sister he barely remembers...

Andrès Louis De'luca


Heir of the Spanish mafia

Nicknames: Drè, Andrè

He is as scary as the Ferrari brothers. He is short tempered doesn't take anyone's bullshit. Everyone fears the great Andrès De'luca they think he has it all the money, the fame, the looks what more could he ask for? At least that's what people think. Yes he has it all but the lavish luxurious of the riches isn't gonna fill the void of his "Missing Angel" Isabela Sienna Azalea Ferrari. Andrès has known Isabela practically since he was 7. They've been best friends from day one. He always had a short temper but it was nothing Isa couldn't handle, she always knew how to calm him, they were inseparable. It was always Isabela , him and Diego though Diego didn't quite like the fact of his sister being friends with a boy. They always caused chaos together, he loved his girl best friend so much, her eyes is what drew him in, she always saw good in people no matter how bad their deeds were. In his eyes she was way too perfect for this cruel world. But he vowed to always protect her and keep her safe from the dangers of this world. He was completely broken when he found out about her kidnapping, he couldn't believe he failed his Angel. He couldn't protect her, he failed her. He couldn't do much at the time for he was only 9. What was an 9year old gonna do, 10 years later he has become really close with the Ferrari family. As they shared the same pain of losing their princesà and him his Angel.

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