Chapter 10

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Alejandro Ferrari's POV

"dove si trova?" I asked in a deadly calm voice not even sparing a glance at the guard I'm talking to as I walked into the warehouse with my father by my side. (Where is he?).

All movement and chattering stopped as we walked further into the warehouse.

"D-Don" a guard greeted trembling in fear as he came up to me bowing his head. I gave him a firm nod of acknowledgement as he guided me to the cells.

"Leave" my father ordered the two guards stationed outside the cell as the sweet smell of blood and dead bodies filled my nostrils . Along with the oh so sweet cries of mercy and pleas for forgiveness.

As we entered the cell all atmosphere changed. I motioned towards the guard to wake the man up as my father stood in the corner quietly watching. The guard nodded quickly grabbing the bucket of ice cold water throwing it all over the half dead man tied to the chair.

The man let out a rather high pitched scream as the cold shot through his body.

He probably damaged my fucking ears.

I watched him frantically look around before his eyes met my cold hard gaze causing them to widen with fear before looking down.
He's afraid good. I walked over to the weapons table whistling to one of my favourite nursery rhymes."Seems like my man did quite the number on you" I joked with no humour. The man scoffed keeping his head down.

"Sheesh tough crowd" I muttered playing with the dagger in my hand.

"I hope my guards have been showing the needed hospitality" I inquired.

Noting his broken nose and seemingly broken hand his body covered in bruises and blood which reeked of piss and dry blood. The man looked up with blood shot eyes ,"fuck you" he rasped his voice trembling as he spit on my shoes.

My eyes darkened as I stared down at the man below me. i swiftly twirled the dagger and threw the knife at his head slicing his left ear so it draws blood a sick grin taking over my features." Next time I won't miss" I looked over at my watch and looked towards my father he nodded already seeming annoyed with the fucker Infront of me."So this is what's gonna happen I'm gonna ask you questions you will cooperate, we make this quick and it will be over capisci? " I explained wanting to get this shit over with.  I want to see my bambina.

"Now tell me Mark where's my shipment" I calmly asked.

His eyes visibly widened as nothing but fear took over his features. But he remained silent.

I hummed disapprovingly as my dad took out his gun shooting the man in his kneecap.

"We won't ask you again" my father seethed digging his gun into the man's knee.

"I-i don't k-know" He stuttered out crying hysterically.


"Hard way it is then, bring her in" my father ordered.

A few seconds later the guard entered with a middle aged woman in his grasp.

"M-mary" the man muttered all colour draining from his face as he stared at the crying woman.

The woman's brow furrowed before her eyes widened with recognition a gasp escaping her mouth staring at the man before her "M-mark w-what's going on" she asked sobbing.

"I'm so s-sorry" he cried shaking his head. I nodded towards the guard and he placed the woman on her knees facing towards us. "Now last chance Mark where's my shipment?" I asked placing a special bullet for a specific person in my gun.

"5" I began
"2" I continued cocking my gun and placing it on the woman's head.

"1.." I muttered pulling the trigger."NO!" The man cried sighing as he heard the empty gun click.

"I'll tell you just please d-don't hurt her please" he pleaded sobbing as the woman's cries echoed in the cell.

"Speak" I gritted.

"The w-wincrafts ship" he replied accent thick.

"Boss we just got confirmation they have eyes on the merchandise" one of my men informed. I gave him a firm nod.

I informed my men and they left immediately.

"Who sent you?"

"The r-russians s-sent me to s-steal your shipments to prove to the underworld that they're just a-as strong as any other mafia they're hungry for power." He replied quickly hesitating.

"Get rid off her"I informed the guard as he took the woman out of the cell.
"N-no don't hurt her please leave my sister alone you bastard." The man yelled weakly struggling against the restraints.

I lifted my gun shooting the man in his stomach and shoulder watching him lose blood now he can die slowly in peace. Too slow"Send my greetings to Lucifer" I said bidding him goodbye before shooting him in between his eyes.

"Clean this up" I ordered grabbing my handkerchief wiping the blood off my gun. The guard got to work as me and my father made our way out of the cells.

"I can't wait to get home" my dad muttered sighing.

"Me neither" I replied as my phone began to ring. I looked up the caller ID and Lorenzo's name popped up.

"Yeah, yeah we're on way" I replied already knowing his probably pissed.

"I... Uhm hi Ale" a tiny timid voice mumbled over the phone. Isabela.

"Yes farfallina?" I asked making my way to the car as my father looked over at me motioning me to put it on speaker.

"Well.. actually Lorenzo asked me to uhm call and ask if you and Papà could come a bit earlier today" she quietly mumbled asking even through the phone I could tell she was nervous.

"Ofcourse baby we'll be there in a few minutes" my dad replied as I started the car.

"Oh okay uhm adiós" she quickly muttered ending the call.(goodbye).

"She's so precious" My dad chuckled.

"Indeed she is " I nodded chuckling quietly.

I wouldn't have her any other way.


Please vote and comment if you liked it. Another short chapter but hopefully better than the previous one. Probably some spelling mistakes feel free to correct them. Okay so..... Enjoy..

Lots of love
-Destiny ❤️

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